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She wanted Wallie to settle down She was tired of paying his bills at
his clubs and at various hotels, tired and weary of the days he lay in
bed all s to enable hi his wild oats,
and now at twenty-five she felt he should be through with them
The south room could be the nursery
On Decoration Day, as usual, she did her dutiful best by the coh a chilly hour there
while services were read and taps sounded over the graves of those who
had died in three wars She felt very grateful that Wallie had come back
safely, and that if only noould marry and settle down all would be
The service left her emotionally untouched She was one of those woion, only their reaction on
herself and her affairs She had taken the Gere as a personal
affliction And she stood only stoically enduring while the village
soprano sang "The Star Spangled Banner" By the end of the service she
had decided that Elizabeth Wheeler was the answer to her problem
Rather under pressure, Wallie lunched with her at the country club, but
she found him evasive and not particularly happy