Page 213 (1/2)
Madame had wandered off by herself to view the scene frohts becaretted her beauty; for she was conscious that
she possessed this physical attribute It had been her undoing; she
had used it in play, to this e
drops of rain splashed on her face that she realized where she was or
that a storm had burst upon the valley
"Madame, will you do me the honor to accept my cloak?"
Drearily she inclined her head toward the voice, and became awake to
the actualities of the moment For the speaker was D'Hérouville It
was the first opportunity he had found to address her, and he was
determined to make the most of it
"Will you accept "
"Accept your cloak? Touch anything which belongs to you? I think not,
Monsieur!" She went on She even raised her face toward the cold,
sweet-srey cloak which you have to offer?" with sudden
inspiration For are a part in her destiny "Have you not the cloak to
offer which ht of you o about your affairs and leave me in peace Love you? I abhor
you I can not speak in plainer language"
He muttered an oath inarticulately
"Take care, Madaht
crush the life froe Within
three hundred yards was the palisade "I would not be here in these
cursed wilds but for your sake You know the persistence of my love;