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"That is well I a your stay?" suggested the governor

"Her Majesty asks that good favor of you"

"A great honor, Monsieur, truly;" and the governor was elated at the

thought of having so distinguished a guest at his table

The marquis turned to the patient Jehan "Jehan, you will see to the


"Yes, Monsieur"

A priest elbowed his way toward the him, the marquis

raised and lowered his bushy white brows It was the handsome Jesuit

whose face had stolen into reatly astonished The n froovernor the quartet moved up the path

toward the cliffs, which the hly the art and value of y

"Superb!" he murmured "With a few land at bay"

"I aovernor; but there was a twinge

of envy when it occurred to hies had worried

him more than once And here was a man ould defy the whole world

Jehan felt a pressure on his arht the lad in his arms and kissed him on the cheek

"I expected to find you, lad Ah, but you have done wrong You should

have told us You should not have run aith Monsieur le
