Page 132 (1/1)

Presently the Chevalier bowed his head upon the cold iron of the

cannon The cri

breeze cas on the warehouses far


Suddenly the Chevalier lifted his head He was still an officer and a

gentleman He would stand taller, look into each eye and dare with his

own It was not what he had been, nor what had been done to him; it

hat he ould be and do If every hand was to be against his,

so be it D'Hérouville? Soh should cost him dear

The vicomte? What was his misfortune to the vicoallant fellow like Victor?

He would learn

He put on his hat It was dark Lights began to flicker in the fort

and the château The resolution seeth, and

he squared his shoulders, took in deep breaths, entered the officers'

mess and dined

The men about hih outwardly and soft within And as they saw hileamed from every eye The vicolasses and

ranged alongside of the Chevalier In France they would have either

left the roo

extraordinary had happened

So the Chevalier won his first victory