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The Sheik Edith Maude Hull 7230K 2023-09-01

He held out the necklace silently, and silently she stared not at it

but at hian to beat faster, and the colour slowly left

her face "Take it I wish it," he said quietly

"No" It was little asp

"You ear it to please me," he went on in the same soft voice, and

the old hateful mockery crept into his eyes, "to please h I am only an Arab"

"I will not!"

Theplace to the

usual ferocity, and his forehead knit in the dreaded heavy scowl

"Diane, obey me!"

She clenched her teeth on her lower lip until a rim of blood stained

their whiteness If he would only shout or bluster like the average

angry er, but the cold quiet

rage that characterised him alas infinitely more sinister, and

paralysed her with its silent force She had never heard hier or quicken his usual slow, soft tone, but there was an