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“Yeah, I know,” Em said, her voice wistful “I could kind of understand it back when he was a prospect, so I cut hiot his colors now He needed to put up or shut up, so that’s over”

“Da her fist down on the deck table The whole thing rattled and we all juo to Spokane next weekend, the three of us The way I see it, Maggs, Marie, and Dancer have to rat you out, because they’re part of the club But et your card punched with so you a uy is full of shit”

“Actually, I’ve been talking to so a little “I really like hi for a coupleeach other so Painter—”

“Screw Painter,” Kiuy isn’t either, but we’ve got your back See if he’s available next week, let’s get this thing done We’ll meet up in a public place Get our own hotel rooht The whole idea seemed sort of half-cocked to me, and I frowned

“Okay …” she said “Wow, I can’t believe we’re going to do this But what about Sophie? I don’t think Ruger would want her going out like that”

Suddenly I didn’t care how stupid it sounded Ruger wasn’t in charge Fuck hie

“I’m in,” I declared “He doesn’t tellat o out and do this?”

“Why not? Ruger’s not et out souy out and make a call for you about whether he’s worthy There’s always uys if he’s not Trust me, if Kimber can’t find you a man, he doesn’t exist She’s like a sexual bloodhound Always has been”

“Daht,” Kimber said without a trace of embarrassment “I’ll ask Ryan if he can watch Noah for you, Soph He owes le week, and when I was pregnant I told hinorediggling E, and I’ like drunken hyenas when Marie, Dancer, and Maggs got back They looked funny in my clothes, particularly Dancer, ay too tall and a pants and an old T-shirt, both of which were extre to love this,” she said, twirling for us and shaking her ass draht Anyone know the schedule?”

“Party tonight for the brothers co is going down? Horse will be here in about an hour to give us rides hoether breakfast tomorrow, if anyone wants to help They’ve already lined up a pig to roast for the afternoon, so all we need to worry about is snacks and sides”

“I can do a Costco run in the ,” Dancer said “Em, wanna come with?”

“Sure,” she said “Dad said they’ll be done with church around four You can come out anytime after that, Sophie”