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Strong or not, I took a big gulp of arita, which blazed a nasty, fiery trail downto do it again, are you?” I asked once I stopped coughing She burst out laughing and shook her head

“Of course not!” Kimber sputtered “For one, I’, duuy I ood—trust me—but he’s definitely not the type to stick around He’s fked half of Idaho It was fun, but I don’t get off on being one of

“No, not really,” she said “But I wanted you to know, just in case”

“Just in case what?”

“Well, just in case I come over It see for hih I swear I thought you hated hi for hi it,” she replied lightly, giving a theatrical shudder “I can see it in your face when you talk about hiuys you just want to shove down and lick all over Which I did, actually He’s nasty in bed, too, never tried some of that shit before Pierced dick I shit you not”

My eyes widened and I took another gulp of ?” I asked “Does that hing

“The answer to your unasked question is yes,” she said, leering co on that one”

I rolled my eyes I wanted to be annoyed with Kiet pissed at

“I live with him,” I said dryly “I can’t stay away”

Her shtfully “But you can keep your distance in other ways You need to build your own life and cut out any fantasies of uys fall into bed one night, you better be ready to wake up and clear out before the next chick shows up And the next one and the next one and the one after that That’s just how he is”

“I know Pisser, hive up on sex,” Kimber said “Like I said, I’ht as atch Noah so you can go out and get so all over you In fact, there’s someone I want you to meet”

“I don’t do setups,” I told her

“You will,” she replied knowingly “Trust me, when you see his picture you’ll be all over him His name is Josh, he works with Ryan, and he’s loaded”

She turned on her phone, flipped around until she found what she wanted, then handed it over

Dauy really was hot, in a pretty, clean-cut lawyer kind of way

“Okay,” I told her

She burst out laughing and I chugged the rest of the roaned

“Fuck my life …”

As Ki and slid down into the pool, considering Kiine hi instead Then I thought about sucking on other things, which wasn’t productive at all