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She stepped out of the car, her anger bubbling over
“Had fun waving your guns at an unarmed woman and an unconscious et back in your cars and lead the way to the nearest hospital And before you do, I need your first-aid kits I’ht pairs of astonished dark eyes stared at her, then at each other She saw the ied, then two of the, to her spluttering chagrin
When they were satisfied she wasn’t carrying anything untoward, the one who looked like the leaderinto his walkie-talkie The middle car, which had stopped two hundred feet away, reversed The guy with the walkie-talkie rushed towards it, and with a great show of deference he opened the passenger door and bowed down to confer hohtened with another deep bow and rushed back to her
“Ta’ee ma’ee,” he ordered
This she also understood Coain de her tirade short She knew her own resistance would led and sputtered her indignation all the way to the car He opened the passenger door, tried toto plop in an unceremonious heap inside Into what felt like another di sun into what felt like one of its hts blinded her And after the intense heat, landing on cool leather had a jolt of goose-bu she noticed was that scent Pervasive, potent Pleasurable … It was on account of all those stied for alarister just yet
Still blind, she snarled her displeasure “Is this how you feel likeup on women after you drive theet aith anything, I’ halt For there they were,out of the blindness A foot away froold and the translucency of pure honey
They captured hers, forbade her to see or sense anything else, even the person they belonged to It was only when they finally released her in a sweep of thick black lashes to pour confusion over her that she was freed to take in everything about this li and the relaxed waves of a tranquil sea, skin of polished bronze, slashes and planes and hollows that were all assembled in a composition of—of … Wow
If she’d ever had any concept of beauty, it had been before she’d seen this—this … ht out of fable?
This would explain that face—a face befitting a higher being And so was that body Even an obscuring black suit and shirt did nothing to disguise the daunting breadth and hardness of chest and shoulders, the spareness of waist and hips, the virile power of thighs and the endlessness of legs Then came that presence that could bend theridiculously fanciful here!
That was, she thought so until her eyes were dragged back to his and she knew they’d been co the second time around, hat she now realized was sleepiness, which he seeht of the contradictory vulnerability intensified his effect by a factor of a thousand
But it was the wonder in those eyes that enervated her The explicit confession that her sight was having an equal impact on him That the jolt of attraction was roan reverberated in her bones God, what are you?