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"Is that the last of them?" my mother asked
"From e can see," my father replied
"What about Rhys?" Micah asked
Aiden shook his head "I haven’t seen hinus--Kiev--called out: "Has anyone seen Mona?"
Chapter 30: Mona
As I raced with Kiev down fro to avoid clashing with any other witch or warlock, I dodged in and out of the battle in search of hi the scene from the air as Kiev stabbed Lilith, the warlock had been near the pool But I could see fro that he was not there now
I suspected that he ht have blacked out somewhere He’d been the most dependent on Lilith for his powers of all of us--more than me, Julisse or even Isolde--so it would be no surprise if he was still unconscious I wanted to find hi form cast in shadow lay close to one side of the castle He was lying flat on his back, his pale face set in a deep frown
When I first laid eyes on hi But it soon became apparent to ently
I bent down over him and touched his forehead It wouldn’t be difficult to finish hiic I could just reach for the knife tucked intoust that ca a person in their sleep I wasn’t about to do it again--not even with Rhys
Keeping y into his body and jolted him awake
His eyelids flickered open and he sat up He looked shocked as he pushed himself back away from me and shot to his feet