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Aidenthrough ht now Arron brought Ian there too But they will be returned unhar"
Aviary? Guardians? Testing? I had no idea what he was talking about, but none of it put me at ease for my friends’ safety
His face betrayed realization that he’d ier and more complicated discussion than he had intended "But all that, et you better first"
"How long before I can leave this bed?"
"Immediately," the nurse said "Take a look, you’re all healed"
The blisters and all traces of my wound had vanished I shivered internally as I recalled e for some more dried bread, had carved the wound into my body and covered my skin with blisters as soon as we had returned froo, Sofia?" Derekto ask
"I-I don’t know, Derek" I feltme to see everyone here at Headquarters… I probably ran outside into the daylight I suppose I workedBut I think that e can learn froo anywhere"
Disappointment shrouded his eyes He knew this wasn’t his Sofia he was talking to He wanted me back I wanted me back
"How did you get back to the cabin?" he pressed
How did I get there?
The truthful ansas that I didn’t knowmy wound, the witch had putI guessed that Liana and her subain, I don’t reuess is that soht ate me further, but Aiden came to the Elder’s rescue and interrupted him "There’ll be tih an ordeal and, although her body is looking better now, she clearly still needs some mental rest"