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"To say that they do sos consciously, that they have a consciousness" I rubbednot to think about the implications
"Maybe not individually, but they seem to have a collective consciousness," Daniels explained "A hive mind, like bees or ants"
"How?" I asked "How is that possible?"
"I don’t know" Daniels shook his head again "But I don’t fully understand how any of this is possible Even in a particle form, the virus would communicate with itself"
"What do youintently to Daniels
"I would isolate individual viruses and keep them in separate petri dishes," Daniels said "In one dish, I would expose them to human blood, and the virus would immediately rush to it and infect it
"When I put the virus under the oing towards where the virus was already invading," Daniels went on
"How do you know the virus wasn’t just drawn to the blood?" I asked
"They were, when they were close enough to it," Daniels said "But since it was only a drop of blood, it had to be in the same dish for the virus to notice If I had uninfected blood near the virus but not in the same dish, when I looked at the virus under a e in its reaction The virus simply moved aimlessly around the dish"
"So you’re saying the virus can communicate with itself?" I asked "And that forreater than the scent of blood or any other clue we’re giving off?"
"That’s what I think, yes," Daniels nodded
"When a zo infected with the virus knows about it," Boden suer the colony of zo more zombies, and so on"
"Exactly," Daniels said "That’s e needed to leave the quarantine We’d attracted far tooand determined"
"What happened when you exposed the virus to my blood?" I asked
"Your blood?" Nolita looked confused and glanced between Daniels and me "What’s special about your blood?"
"I’ her off At this point, I didn’t care who knew about it I just wanted to find out what Daniels knew "So, what happened with my blood?"
"When I put your blood in a petri dish, the virus didn’t do anything," Daniels said "Normally, it rushed toward the blood But with yours, it only interacted with your blood when it accidentally came in contact with it"