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Hollowmen A 15310K 2023-09-01

But it was also what hie of Max to take hiuessed that they’d probably iven how close ere to it and Blue’s age as a zo he’d been turned, but it couldn’t have been more than a month, maybe two at the absolute most

If he’d made it to the compound – and I was inclined to think he had – then he’d turned while he was living there And that didn’t bode well for the compound or my little brother

I knew I should tell the others about Blue and about what that probably meant, but I couldn’t I had to make it there, to see if Max was alive or dead for myself, and if the zoet there alone I needed the guns and protection that the group could provide

That’s why I didn’t want Bishop to see Blue She’d nized him If she had, she could’ve drawn the sa into the co?" Boden shouted down over the bridge, and I hurriedly pulled on ht up"

Everyone was at the top waiting for me when I finally made it up there When Teddy asked me if I was okay, I couldn’t meet his eyes when I mumbled that I was fine

I was deliberately leading theest going to the coht benefit the to lead theone to hell

If Blue had turned in the last month or so, it fit with the tiun to really organize and target large populations about a o about that ti the quarantine

But Max was all I had in the world I had no other faht be dead for all I know and, in fact, probably were The only thing I had – the only reason to even live – wascare of hi

And I would do anything to protect hier If it meant I could save Max, then I would do it

I had to have hope that he was still alive Like me, he was immune to the zombie virus, so his odds were better than most That’s not to say that he couldn’t have been ripped apart by a zoht-year-old boy But … he still ht be alive

Besides, Boden and Nolita were soldiers Not only could they handle themselves, but it was their job to protect people Bishop had a gun, and she was bad ass Daniels had almost killed both me and Max, so in a way, he kinda owed uilty about was Teddy, but I tried not to think about that The world was overrun with zouarantees of safety for anyone

"Are you sure you’re okay?" Teddy asked me after alked for a while He nor faster now, alhtly, still refusing to look at hi away fro next towith the zombie," Teddy went on "Have you killed a zombie before?"