Page 6 (1/2)

Hollowmen A 15960K 2023-09-01

I, on the other hand, spentthe shadow of Boden’s head as he stared out into the night, vigilant against a zombie attack Sometime before Nolita took over, I fell asleep

The truck was ht it was because soetting up I opened my eyes and saw the other evacuees for the first ti Tatum and me The only other two I kneere Daniels, the doctor from the quarantine, and Bishop, the woman as sorta like the head of the people out in the trailers

Daniels was still asleep, curled up in the corner of the truck bed, his neck bent at an odd angle so his head was propped up He’d used a thick green jacket as a blanket, and his dark hair fell over his eyes Hisopen wide, and he snored a little

Bishop ake, sitting with her butt on the edge of the truck Her eyes were steel blue, and they reminded me of a vulture’s, the way they followed everyone around She had to be in her late forties, with dirty blond hair that hung down to her knees when she didn’t pull it back In her hands, she sharpened two knives against each other,a sound that re next to her was somebody I didn’t know, but he looked faly friendly eyes Nobody had friendly eyes anymore He yawned and stretched and didn’t look fully awake yet

A blond guy was sleeping near the end of the truck, his legs curled up to hiuessed he was Boden froier than I was used to seeing on the soldiers

Standing watch by the door was a girl, presumably Nolita She looked a few years older than me, with strawberry blond hair pulled back in a loose bun Her eyes were tired and sad, but there was soly beautiful about her Not in a model sort of way, but in a … powerful way It was the kind of beauty so horrible the world has to offer, and yet soht you left," Bishop said, her eyes on me as she sharpened the blades

"No" I sat up straighter, feeling a crick in"I didn’t leave I was in the building"

"Stockades?" Bishop asked, and I noticed she was chewing on souh she looked like the kind of woman ould chew tobacco

"No" I shookAsk him" I pointed to where Daniels snored in the corner "He knows"

"Does he?" Bishop appeared surprised, then she shrugged "He seeuy sitting next to her motioned between us

"She came in with that rock star and Harlow," Bishop explained

"Oh" The guy smiled at that "Harlow makes the most wonderful clothes She was a real asset to the community" He leaned forward extended his hand to me "I’m Teddy"

"Remy" I shook his hand uncertainly, but he just smiled tiredly at me

"What kind ofthe conversation She was still looking outside, watching in the early ht for zohed and had no clue how to explain it, or if I even should