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Oh God, there it was--the fluttering inin my head Don’t believe a word he says Don’t let hi part was that there was a tiny sliver of me that wanted to, thatlouder At this rate she’d be screaaze as long as I could before I retreated, shufflingorally today, and if Dr Messina accepted, I’d have to type this sucker up all pretty and subo said as he sat down next to o was easy, fun to hang out with, and didn’t co?" I asked hih draft looked pretty tight yesterday"
"It’s good, I think I’le"
"Are you digging up your roots?" Landon interjected "I thought you gave that up years ago"
Sometimes I hated that he reether "I did when o She’s always been touchy about it, like I’d say she wasn’t my mom and run the other direction But she’s not here, and I’ve always been curious See all civil and open
"Just curious?" he asked
I shrugged My need to explorehe needed to understand
"I’ll help you," he offered "I know I’m not your partner, but I also knohat it means to you, so if you need help…"
I sed,look in his eyes There was no flirtation or suggestion, no hint of Nova looking back at erous than being pursued by Nova The warning bells innow
"Yeah, I’ll let you know," I said
"Sa in his direction "Maybe we could talk about it over lunch to holes in o He was nice, kind, quick with a sone for last year
But as much as I hated myself, I had to be honest, up front, and not lead hireat It would be nice to have a friend to talk it over with"
His shtly, but he nodded as he absorbed how I’d just labeled our relationship "Sounds good"