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Library of Souls Ransos 14930K 2023-09-01

"I oughta sell you," E "Not that anyone would pay half a farthing"

I stuffedat Lorraine There was otten from her "What about the peculiars they kidnap froh in trucks Used to be a rare thing Lately it’s been all the tih earlier today?" I said

"A couple of hours ago," she said "They had guards with guns all over the place, blocking the street Made a big production of it"

"They don’t usually?"

"Not usually Guess they feel safe here This delivery ht A trill of excitehat Lorraine "I’ such perfect traitors!"

I snatched his collar and held him back "Calm down!"

Addison struggled against ht snap at my hand, but then he relaxed

"We do e have to to survive," Lorraine hissed

"So do we," said Eo, and if you lie, or it turns out to be a trap, I’ll co finger just beyond the tip of Lorraine’s nose "Agreed?"

I could al into a deep well of hatred I’d never seen fully revealed before, and as useful as it was in situations like this, it was a little scary, too I didn’t like to think what she o to their part of the Acre," Lorraine said, turning her head away froe?" said E Street Don’t bother trying to cross, though, unless you want your head to end up on a pike"

I reckoned that was all ere going to get out of Lorraine Noe had to figure out what to do with her Addison wanted to bite her Emma wanted to trace an S on her forehead with her white-hot finger, branding her for life as a slaver I talked theed her with a sash cord fro of the desk We were about to leave her like that when I thought of one last thing I wanted to know

"The peculiars they kidnap What happens to the

"None have escaped to tell," she said "But there are ruave us a suess you’ll just have to find out, won’t you?"

The moed at us fro heavy raised in his hand Before he could reach us, a muffled shout of alar course to see about Lorraine When he’d crossed the office threshold, Emma slammed the door behind hiht us a minute or two

Addison and I bolted for the exit Halfway there, I realized E on theof the enslaved peculiars’ quarters