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All Wound Up Jaci Burton 11790K 2023-09-01

"Okay, but, can I head out to the waiting roo on"

She looked down at hihs, or as going on between them "In your underwear?"

He rolled his eyes "I’d put my pants back on first"

"How about I put a rush on the X-ray, then you can get back to the gah "Fine"

She left the room, handed off the paperwork and ordered the X-ray, then went to check on her other patients In the meantime, several other patients came in so it was an hour or so before she made her way back to check on Tucker His films were ready, so she took a look, then went back into the rooood idea where she’d find him

The admissions area wasn’t full, but the television was on, and there was Tucker, sitting with a group of what Aubry could only assurouped around hi

He atching television The other people in the waiting roo Tucker, especially the young, extre behind hiers through his hair Or possibly hurdling the chairs and cli onto his lap

No way Not on her shift Besides, there were kids in the waiting room

She headed that way and stepped in front of him

"Tucker, I have your X-ray results"

He looked up at her "Okay, great Gotta go, folks Thanks for keeping me company"

"Bye, Tucker," one of the kids said "I hope your leg isn’t too bad I hope you don’t onna happen," Tucker said, bending over to shake the boy’s hand "And I hope your tonsils are going to be okay, too"

"Mootta coet ice crearinned

Tucker stepped beside her as she led him down the hall and back to the exaht with that news"

"Yeah, I can tell"

She closed the door behind her "Take a seat"

"Okay" He scooted back up on the table

"You were supposed to stay in here"

"I got bored And you know, the game"

"Uh-huh Anyway, your X-rays are clear"