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Tara laughed "Your advice is never useless Everyone’s welcoh in"

Jenna waved her hands "No, thanks I have enough issues just trying to decide what kind of vodka to order for my bar I’ll leave the baby stuff for you and Liz to deal with"

"Well, now that you and Tyler have been married al Tara off midsentence "We’re not ready for babies yet I want a couple of years with just hi out babies"

"Fine" Tara affected a pout "I’ll ask again this tihed "You do that"

"See how much fun this is, Haven?" Liz said "We used to talk about men and sex Now it’s babies"

"We still talk about men and sex We just haven’t finished the wine yet, and Liz isn’t drinking because she’s driving--and breast-feeding"

Liz frowned at Alicia "So you’re saying I’ator of all the ave her a direct look

"I’ll have you know I don’t need to be drunk to talk about sex As a matter of fact, Gavin and I just recently jumped back on the sex train, postbaby And it was about da this conversation She could understand why they were all so close

"Really," Tara said "And how did that go?"

"I was a little leery at first I ina, things are a little tender down there at first When I first had Genevieve I told Gavin his ck was never co a similar conversation with Mick after Sa rimace at Haven and Alicia

"Or, quite possibly, ever," Haven added

Alicia clinked her glass with Haven’s "Seriously"

"Oh, but it gets better," Liz said "Everything healed up and I got horny again"