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Fracture Callie Hart 15070K 2023-09-01

"Open the fucking door, bitch!" A thunder of loud ha like crazy

"C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! Quick!" I mutter the words underwith the zip and then struggling to upend the contents on the bathroolass vials, syringes, dressings, tongue depressors--the lot ends up pouring out onto the tiles I grab the first vial I see and a syringe and then I’ out of the door Not the one back intodoor that leads into the third bedroo

"back up for her We need to get this one in the car first"

"No way She’ll get out!"

"So?" The guy with the deeper voice, the one who’d been holding Lacey’s legs, sounds like he’s getting pissed off "Where the hell is she gonna go out here? She can’t call the cops The phone line’s dead, too Come on We’ll let her stew atiht I would fare in wartiht, or would I crumple under the pressure The life and death of it all Well, I suppose right now is a good indicator of how I’d react I’ive it a solid runts an scuffling sounds

Thank fuck for trauh my head as I stumble blindly down the now eery, I wouldn’t be practiced at snapping a syringe fro the needle into a vial and drawing the correct amount of fluid fro as fast as hu with Lacey, bucking and finally screah the hand clarabbed as I begin filling the syringe with the clear drug inside: Diclofenac Great 25 if you wanna knock a kidnapper the fuck out I drop the bottle, not registering the fact that it’s raining, that uy carrying Lacey’s feet has seen e deep into the base of the other guy’s neck

He sags like I shot him in the head instead of pus, he hits the ground, taking Lacey with hi whore! What did you do?" the conscious guy roars "You fucking killed hih The guy co car" He jerks his head over his shoulder The black sedan that followed us earlier is parked to his right, the door to the rear already prepped and standing open, presu the reluctant for the seats A jolt of panic seizes hold of es and now it’s gone, buried in the fallen man at rabbed the baseball bat froed past Not that a baseball bat is un, but still It would feel better to have so deaf as well as incredibly stupid?" the gunht living in theNo people to harass you; no cars passing by to create noise; no nosey neighbors to watch you covertly fro curtains Now I feel quite differently about theby to flag down for help; no nosey neighbors to witness a berserk gunuy could shoot ht here and now and it would be at least twenty-four hours before anyone caotten to Despite that, though, I know getting into that car means I’m dead either way There’s no ti for ains or try and worm my way out of it I just point-blank refuse to accept it

"No I’unman’s face scrunches up into a ht?" He holds it up sideways so I can get a good look at it, index finger still poised on the trigger He begins to stalk forward, an intent look on his face that can onlyto force me into that car, conscious or unconscious, dead or alive

I consider my options very quickly and decide that I have none My bravado is all well and good, but when he reaches out and grabs forwave of fear The first thing I automatically want to do is call for Zeth, but he’s a thousand ht in front of uy into the dust with his fists

With a vise-like grip, the guy secures a vicious hold around un hand and is about to bring the weapon doith full force onto e impact makes his body stumble forward into me His eyes are vacant as he slides downits level best to keep ahold of ht instead of to detainnoise of surprise as he finally lets go and his body starts to convulse His ars spasm like crazy, his head tipped back in a strained position When I look up,body clutching a gigantic hunk of rock to her chest It’s so big and hefty that she has to hold it in with both hands, and a ridged corner of it is darkened with so dark and wet Blood