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Fracture Callie Hart 14440K 2023-09-01

"I’hts, so I’ll be your point of contact If you see anyone you don’t recognize walking the halls, then you can come to either myself or any of the duty officers and report it This is a big place and a lot of people coe whether you think so to do your jobs as well"

The nursing tea at the fat detective, nod their heads, their expressions softening The three doctors who are treating Archie Monterello--myself, Hendry, and Oliver--stand at the back of the ICU fa for here, Detective? Ior what?" Oliver sounds as incredulous as I felt downstairs in the cafeteria This just isn’t so that happens here

"No, not Italian We’ve been investigating a high-level crime boss for souns, ga, counterfeit money Word has it Frankie Monterello dropped the ball on a business deal this guy had in the works and he paid the price We know that our POI ordered the hit; we just need to pin it on hi that We haveshots of people known to associate with our POI There are only a few faces on here that you really need to be worried about I strongly doubt any of theh to come down here" Detective Cooper nods to an arins to hand out sheets of paper bearing the ive us a better indication of how dangerous this situation is please, Detective?" Hendry asks "Are we likely to get shot trying to do our job is what I’"

"No We’re here to ensure that doesn’t happen At this stage we’re banking on the fact that our POI doesn’t even realize he’s being investigated He thinks he’s an untouchable, but he’s very wrong We’re gonnatime"

Hendry nods, accepts the paper from Oliver, studies it momentarily and then passes it on to ards to self-defense? If one of these fuckers does come here and attacks us…are we allowed to shoot them up with sedative? Use the defibrillator on thelance down at the paper, already halfway to handing it on to the next person, when my breath catches init My throat begins to swell shut as it repeats itself over and over


On the paper are a e and e, and at nuri to be sick

If you stand on the roof of St Peter’s of Mercy Hospital at night, the things you can see are kind of incredible Back when Alexis and I were kids,us up here sometimes when his shifts were quiet The doctors would turn a blind eye--Jacob Roist for thirty-five years in the very place where I noork Hebefore I ever showed my face here as a clueless intern, but his naet aith anything

His favorite ti us up here hen it snowed, an event infrequent enough that it would have us ju out of skins with excite dizzily from the vast expanse of sky overhead, the thick blanket of cloud that incubated the world, used to thrill Alexis andfro, until our bodies went nuot sick Me the wind out of ht, though It’s not snowing, it’s raining, and we’re waiting on a trau The adrenaline I need to think, act,aroundwith The wind howls, driving the rain sideways, lashing at our bodies, soaking surgical gowns Oliver is with ood man Funny, sle

In the distance the volley of soh rises "Hear that? The helo" Oliver nudges me with his elbow "Can’t be more than athe elevator doors It’s been held on this floor for the past tenwith a gurney and life-support gear inside are nice and war back to the steel doors and hit the call button just as the powerful gust of wind blows atcold water into the faces of the three young nurses laughing and joking inside Mikey the intern stops what he was doing, frozen in place His hands are locked behind his head and his hips thrust forward, botto as a male stripper, Hoxam?" I yell over the wind and rain

"No No! Sorry, Dr Roain?"

"No! No, ma’am Never"