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Breaking Him RK Lilley 12820K 2023-09-01

He was easily led in otten hi when he had that look in his eyes

I decided to use it against him

"I can’t believe you let ot to have one taste," he uttered, voice low, guttural "I wasn’t at my best I want a do-over"

I leaned into his touch "Yes, bare inside of me You didn’t even pull out Hoas it that you described it? Oh yes, the eloquent--filled me with your cum You obviously weren’t too drunk to reed, backinghis big body against ainst et that And I’ain Stuff you full of cock and cu ood gahthim hard, not an idle touch but one meant to make him lose it "I don’t think I can wait," I told hio up to my room, strip down, and wait for me"

He pulled my hand away, peeled himself off my body, and looked at me, really looked atwith h I walked away "And while you’re at it, hold your breath," I called overwas not nearly as fun as tor Dante, but I applied myself to the task nonetheless

That lasted about five ers, and that was really the best case scenario It was the non-strangers, the familiar faces from my childhood, that I really couldn’t stand

I ran into one of the police officers, Mandy’s father, the sheriff, in fact, alht off the bat

I detested him He’d helped to plant my distrust in cops, which I felt had been to my detriment Who could you turn to if not the police?

I s an iota of my animosity show I really couldn’t afford to have him notice me overmuch

As I’ve said, I have a very healthy fear of cops

"Hello, Harold," I said

His beady eyes narrowed ontheht since I could reo since the last ti to place me He scratched his bushy mustache as he said, "Do I know you?"

Typical His daughter had tormented me for years, he had covered for her, and he didn’t even remember

"Scarlett Theroux I went to school with your daughter Mandy"

Ah, that got hi over me "Well, you look like you landed on your feet How ‘bout that?"