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I srown up to be an attractive woer Looking at it in retrospect, I could see clearly now at least one of the reasons she’d hated me I may have been trash, but I was beautiful trash, and there was not one beautiful thing about her Her weasel face was as ugly as ever
"Well, this charity case is allowed in the kitchen, and you’re not" I waved at the door that led to the front part of the house, the section where co step towarddown my clutch I held my arms out wide "Please Is that a threat? Come at me I dare you If all three of you attack, it’ll be just like old tiht the odds of three to one would help you"
Of course they backed down When they went in for the kill, it was usually ords
Because irls don’t kill They dehumanize
A few times they’d tried their luck with me the other way, but I could see that they still reone for them
That was the moment that Dante walked into the room, and damn him, and me, I was actually happy to see hiht up to her "I’ to say this once," he told her harshly "It’s your first and final warning If you can’t be civil, if you try to pull one of your childish stunts, or I catch youone snide comment, or even hear that you did, you’re out of here Also, no guests in the kitchen" He pointed to the door
The pack of bitches left, shooting murder at me over their shoulders
"God, do you have any idea how you just crushed her?" I asked hih school, and don’t ask ive less than zero fucks how she feels That one is a coward and a bully I don’t even want her in this house I haven’t forgotten how she treated you in high school"
"You haven’t?" I asked hi"
I looked away "Well, this started as badly as it could have I already got caught digging in the trash and alht, all before I’ve even walked into the reception"
"If anyone else gives you any proble them out, I swear to God"
My eyes flitted to hi so nice to me?"
"It’s not hard, Scarlett In fact, it feels a hell of a lot "