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Sweet Sofie Elizabeth Reyes 15720K 2023-09-01

"You want another drink?" He turned toward the bar

Jennifer tilted her head and gave hi"


Eric hesitated, but took her hand anyway They walked out to the dance floor She wasted no tiainst him He’d had a looser embrace in mind, but at this point he had no choice in the matter She’d all but draped herself on hi her brsts pushed on his chest, he thought of what Sofia would say if she saw thee anything inappropriate

The song was finally over and people clapped Eric took advantage to undo their embrace and pulled away to clap They started up another slow song No as he doing that again "I need a drink and some air"

No sooner had he said it, and her hand was in his again Her behavior,him up With that in mind, he ordered a beer instead of hard liquor Jennifer ordered another fancylook "Those kinds of drinks tend to sneak up on you"

Jennifer giggled "Too late!"

They headed back outside to the balcony As soon as they reached it and Eric rested his elbow against the rail, Jennifer leaned into him She seemed a little dizzy and Eric held her up "Whoa, you okay?"

She did a littleand moved her hair away from her face "Maybe I better not drink this"

Eric took the drink she held up and placed it on the rail "Yeah,this because I’ve been drinking, but I think you’re incredibly sexy" She traced his lips with her finger

Eric sently away froet you some water"

"No, Eric, I’hter and leaned into hi out with her boyfriend’s son, I orried about who’d I’d be stuck with But when I saw you, I could hardly contain ood But he was careful about his response He knew nowith Jennifer was out of the question "You’re not too hard on the eyes, either Trust irlfriend, I would’ve already been trying to get to know more about your situation"