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Sweet Sofie Elizabeth Reyes 15540K 2023-09-01

It is what it is, but soet only what you think it is

Always been that way And will always be

Sofia read the damn poem she found buried under other stuff she’d pinned over it After all these years, she still didn’t get it When Brandon eh school, she read and reread it As et poetry All poetry seeo over her head, and Brandon’s was no exeption It et it, how could she possibly write it?

She wanted so bad to tell him she understood, but she didn’t Finally, she ‘fessed up and told hiet it She reht for sure you of all people would get it"

Sofia stared at hi even stupider "Me? Why?"

Brandon looked down at his notebook on the desk "I guess because you can relate to me… at least I think you can"

What did that mean? Good God, she felt dumber with each sentence he spoke "I think I can relate to you I’ve just never been good about deciphering hidden es in poems"

He finally lifted his eyes away from the notebook and their eyes locked "There’s no hiddenand Sofia realized she was holding her breath She let her breath out slowly and they both stood and grabbed their books Brandon sht there, Sof The words say it all"

Sofia pinned the poe at all the useless junk she had tacked on over the years She’d clean it off eventually

Even though the weekend was over, Sofia still couldn’t get over the disaster she’d dodged that past Friday As sneaky as she’d been through the years because her brothers had forced her to, one thing she’d never been good at doing was lying to Eric He knew her too well If he had probed even just a little ive her

She hadn’t gone running in the back ay of her house since the day they kissed, hadn’t even seen Brandon again until Friday The only thing Eric had asked her since then was if her running at the beach now instead of her usual place had anything to do with Brandon Of course, she denied it She told him it was because the days were so beautiful, and he kne much she loved the beach, especially in the suht Brandon up since