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Observing her with her barriers dohen she thought no one atching her, made him understand nohy Dane Elliot had called him He hadn’t quite knohat to make of the phone call or the fact that a man who had obvious ani for help He’d never admit it in a million years, but he’d already planned an impromptu visit to Eliza’s apart a hell of a lot further than the last two ti around Dane’s call had just caused hiht out plan of attack One that sealed any possible escape routes
The idea that now one of Eliza’s tea near-death experiences just pissed him the fuck off, and he rubbed at his chest to alleviate the sudden disco Elliot’s puppet? Wade could check up on Eliza in his own time His way His terms And he sure as hell wouldn’t answer to anyone else like some hired lackey
Why hadn’t he told Dane that his babysitting stint was over with and that if he was so goddamn concerned about Eliza to put a team on her? The little time he’d spent with DSS, he respected and admired them and their work He secretly approved of their tactics and the fact they didn’t always do things by the book Soe
He wasn’t in the habit of lying to hi to admit the truth to anyone else He’d already s and insert himself into her life in ways she would not be happy about when Dane Elliot had called It just gave hi to do without ad so
And so here he was, spying on a wo and not paying any daive her a shts on because that meant no one could see into the house
And so it was in the dark that she worked with quick efficiency to pack her belongings and the alarm system wasn’t even on for fuck’s sake He wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and throttle her for upending his well-ordered life froot in his face He’d been fascinated No, he’d been fucking obsessed from that moment forward She’d dressed him up one side and down the other and despite her very real fury and loyalty to her teammates, Wade had never felt so compelled to kiss a woman in his life
He al on and he’d had Gracie to protect, not to mention if he had so much as touched Eliza, she would have laid his ass out Also, Dane would be on him before he could even push Eliza off and, well, then the rest of DSS would take great satisfaction in kicking his ass Especially Zack, who had the hts being off would prevent people froht didn’t hinder hi what most others couldn’tfro several suitcases on the couch in the living roo into them
Hardly the actions of a woman who merely wanted a leisurely vacation and was in no hurry, had no worries, only where the wind blew her and taking soh after her "request" for vacation, she was getting out of town as fast as possible before any of her coworkers, or Dane, decided to pay her a visit to say their goodbyes Odd behavior for a woman who treated the people she worked with as fa some downtime, wouldn’t she want to say her farewells?
His eyes narrowed as he continued to watch fro for an extended trip But not a single ite was remotely suitable for a vacation at the beach or any other place of leisure In fact, other than jeans, shirts, underwear, socks and a pair of tennis shoes, the rest were fatigues, lots of ca knives that took up one entire side of one of the suitcases
He was astonished, and he had never been aand had taught hiuard or surprised by anything
Shit There went that ruleagain Fuck!
Her latest addition to her suitcase was several flashbang grenades but what really worried hirenades and, Jesus, a stash of definitely illegal C-4 of the likes no average civilian would ever be able to get their hands on; and if that wasn’t bad enough, there was also a shit ton of items one could use to build a bomb Hell, she could probably build a nuclear missile All she lacked was uranium For all he knew, she had a stash of that so in her armory She was better stocked than o to fucking war?
That idea froze his blood and he felt the stirrings of so never experienced it, certainly not to this degree, but it felt like fear And fear was not a weakness he ever allowed hioddamn it
Most people either packed well ahead of tiht’s sleep and then e Or they procrastinated and packed lastto the airport barely on tiet on a plane with a large enough arsenal to build an entire ar was out unless she had a private jet lined up He’d looked into her finances and while she could live well on the generous salary DSS paid, she couldn’t afford shit like private jets For that , even on the black otten her hands on this shit?
He didn’t disagree that the fool wothy vacation that included plenty of rest and recovery He’d wanted to shake some sense into her stubborn head when she’d insisted on acco fanatics whose only objective was to take the women of DSS alive and subject them to unspeakable experiments and tests; even animals were afforded kinder treatment