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"Wait," I said aloud, and Apple Jack stopped "How did I not see that?"
"You raveyard?"
Yeah, that’s what I mean It looks like a chapel The cross on the roof was a bit of a giveaway It wasn’t a cathedral or even a regular ray stone-and-est that the ht in the sodden earth and co the yard the likeness of stained and broken teeth It was the most morbid house of worship I’d ever seen
"I didn’t see it either Maybe it was caed? I have seen Druids do that before"
Oh, that’s true That must be what happened There ood
"Nothing sh I sue uneasiness or do you actually sh all the rain?
"I suppose it could be coht about it Oh well, we’re just going past, right?"
No, I think we need to check it out
"I think we need to live"
Coraveyard Buried bones can’t hurt you There’s probably someone friendly inside
"What if that’s the lure? It’s not a place of refuge; it’s a spider’s web, Gawain! There’s a raveyard to bury us in! Have you thought of that?"
Uo say hi then, and I’ll stand out here and guard the supplies"
I dise on arach from its scabbard
A low fence that ate that led into the graveyard and pointed to a narrow path between the graves Once I passed through it, I saw that the door to the chapel was ajar Candles could be seen burning inside I began to think ht idea when I saw that the door was ajar because somebody’s head on the floor wouldn’t let it close
The head was still attached to a body, but it was a dead body with blue unblinking eyes staring at the door fra a sicloser and perhaps opening the door further to investigate
But therebehind that door