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"So that was how you ca out of nowhere up in the ravine when you came to warn us about the fire ested
Veltan nodded "I didn’t really have much in the way of alternatives Yaltar’s dreaet our friends out of that ravine in a hurry"
"What causes mountains to do that?" Red-Beard asked curiously
"That particular eruption was the result of Yaltar’s dream," Veltan replied "The Dreamers can break all sorts of rules when they think it’s necessary"
"But so happens even when there isn’t a Dreamer around to make it happen, doesn’t it?"
Veltan nodded "It’s a natural phenomenon," he said "The core of the world is molten rock, and it’s under enorh the crust, and the pressure sends it spurting up into the sky for miles" He pointed toward the west "There’s the coast of Zelana’s isle," he told thebow asked
"Oh," Veltan replied, squinting thoughtfully, "about half as far as it is from Lattash to the head of the ravine It won’t take us too rotto" He scratched his chin thoughtfully "I think that maybe the best way for us to do this would be to speak with Eleria first She knows Zelana even better than I do, and she can ine Balacenia’s always been the er ones"
"Who’s Balacenia?" Red-Beard asked curiously
"That’s Eleria’s real name" Veltan paused "I wouldn’t spread that around if I were you," he told the brother Dahlaine cah had decided to annex our Domains The Dreamers look like children, but they really aren’t children They’re our alternates, and they’ll take over when our cycle reaches its end That’s so else you don’t need to mention to the outlanders They don’t really need to know about the cycles Actually, the less they know about what’s really happening, the better If they find out who and e’re facing here, they’ll probably turn and run"
"I’ve heard a few of the old stories," Red-Beard said, "but they’ve never really made very much sense tocalled the overmind Just exactly what is that?"
"Red-Beard’s the chief of his tribe now," Longbow re for hi out in the Wasteland"