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The Seagull’s ave Rabbit easy access, and he was below the deck at the bow of the Seagull in a fewintently, but he heard nothing In all probability,their fifth, or maybe sixth, "last drink"
He crept forward in the darkness with one hand outstretched After he had gone no more than a few feet, his hand touched a wooden panel He located two es on one side and the handle on the other "This has to be it," he exulted He carefully opened the door, wincing as the hinges squealed Then he reached inside, and his hand encountered well-coiled rope
He carefully checked his water flask and the half loaf of bread he’d brought with him, and then he crawled inside his temporary home and quietly pulled the door shut behind him
He remained in the rope locker for two days toway out to sea Then he braced himself and went up onto the deck "Where would I find the cap’n?" he asked a sailor as leaning on the rail
"Back near the stern," the sailor replied He looked more closely at Rabbit "You’re a new man, ain’t you? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you afore"
"Fairly new," Rabbit replied evasively Then he braced himself and walked on back to the stern He’d never actually nize His broken nose was a clear indication of how he’d coan broke off the conversation he’d been holding with two other men "Who are you?" he demanded
"My naull"
"How did you come up with that peculiar notion, little man?" a sailor with enormous hands demanded
"I came across a man named Borkad back in Weros, and he sold ull Since I’ull’s lucky that I chose her, rather than so enough to pick a ha at Hook-Beak’s side scoffed
"I ot much choice, Ox," Hook-Beak said "Nobody could find Borkad before we sailed out from Weros, so noe’re out here without a smith Let’s not make up our minds until we see what this littlethat Rabbit had really wanted
"That’s a ly when Rabbit presented hi axe there," the one called Haht just have co, but he see It’s up t’you, cap’n, but I’d say that we ht want t’keep him Old Borkad couldn’ta made an axe like that one in a hunnerd years"