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"Eleria’s very quick, Rabbit," Longbow told the s, "and you should probably know that sos that you’d prefer not to do I’d still be back in the forest if Zelana hadn’t brought Eleria with her when she sought me out I had ‘no’ halfway out until Zelana turned Eleria loose onafter that"

Eleria stuck her tongue out at Longbow, but then she laughed "You have to be careful around this one, Bunny," she cautioned "He watches all the tiuess everybody has things they want to hide, but they don’t have bow"

"I’ve noticed," Rabbit said dryly "I’ve been pretending to be stupid since I was just a boy, and it’s alorked before, but he saw through me before I’d turned around twice" He paused, and one of his eyebroent up slightly "As long as it’s cobow and I aren’t fooled a bit by your little gabow and I both know that you’re as hard as iron underneath You always get what you want"

"Why, Bunny," Eleria said into say I’ to spread this around, though, are we?" Rabbit said to both of them "All three of us have peculiarities that other people here on the Seagull don’t really need to know about, do they?"

"If they can’t see this for themselves, they probably wouldn’t believe us if we told the," Eleria warned in a soft whisper

"What’s the nabow asked, speaking a bit louder

"The folks over there in Maag all calls it Weros," Rabbit replied, lapsing back into his usual slovenly speech pattern, "and they’re all just ju-up good tiood tilanced casually over his shoulder at a sea off a rope Then the sailor turned and went back toward thethe position of the stars right, we should sail into the harbor of Weros on the day after tomorrohich doesn’t seean and the rest of the crew seemed to realize"

"I wouldn’t spread that around, Bunny," Eleria told him "It isn’t really necessary for the to Dhrall, and the Beloved doesn’t really want theht not want to go that far away froet there so fast?" Rabbit des happen when she wants them to happen, Bunny," Eleria replied "Do you really want to know exactly how she does that?"

That seemed to jerk Rabbit up short He sed hard "Ah" he faltered, "no, I don’t think so"

"Isn’t he nice?" Eleria said to Longbow Then she squir Dhrall’s lap and approached the s "Kiss-kiss, Bunny," she said

"What?" Rabbit sounded very confused

"It’s one of her habits," Longbow told him "It’s not too painful, and it bow," Eleria said Then she wrapped her arht to take a bath, Bunny," she told hio," he protested

"It’s tiain, Bunny Soon Please"

The weather turned sour, and it was blustery and rainy for the next two days as the Seagull doggedly pushed her est Longboas accustomed to rain, since the northwest coast of the Land of Dhrall was the native ho sailors seeh, and the , hazy and indistinct in the steady drizzle, appeared on the western horizon

The Maag town of Weros stood at the head of a narrow inlet, and the Seagull’s oars, despite the weather Cos for sailors

Weros was a sizeable town, though the houses all seeether, almost as if the inhabitants were afraid to be alone Thethat the people who lived there had s were constructed of squared-off logs, and they appeared to be es of Old-Bear’s tribe back in Dhrall Iron tools, it seemed, made better houses A pall of s the nearby fields Long piers extended froships tied to the piers or anchored soull approached the town, an eddy in the wind carried a rancid sbow’s nostrils were very acute because he was a hunter, and he hoped that they wouldn’t have to stay in Weros for very long

The sailors dropped heavy iron anchors off both ends of the Seagull, and Eleria cabow "The Beloved askedwants to tell us how he intends to use gold to persuade other Maag ship captains that it s all seeold very pretty, and they’ll do alet their hands on as s seebow observed

"That h, doesn’t it? They’ll do ant the the has to say" Eleria held out her arms to hibow said, taking her up in his ara people to do what she wanted them to do Zelana commanded, but Eleria charmed The intent and results were usually the same, but Eleria’s approach was more pleasant, and usually more effective