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Chapter Ten
By the time they reached the caves, Cain had shifted back into the pretty form Even with his back to her, she knehich forer and a little inal huave off a forave off a sexual energy,
"Does it take a lot of work to ht the torches, then turned to her, his face se"
"Then why do you shed it sometimes, like when you sleep?" She stood just inches fro to avoid the te; she needed to stay focused on her goal
He reached out and stroked her cheek She didn’t breathe, afraid if she did, she’d break this uncommon moment that felt like tenderness and honesty between thee later
Although they were isolated in the caves, his voice was low, as if he were sharing a secret he didn’t want the walls to hear "Soo"
"Then why did you put the glainal human form They were in the middle of nowhere There was no one to impress and no food for him to hunt out here And if he wanted her, they both knew at this point that the form wasn’t a barrier for her She probably would have slept with him in the demon form out in the desert, a point she didn’t want to dwell on It wouldto feel for the person underneath it all, not just the pretty fantasy
He shrugged "Force of habit"
"So let go," she said
His face tensed, and for a hed and dropped the glamour Tam reached out and traced the mark on his forehead A moment of stillness passed between them With other people in another situation, it would have been the part where the epic orchestral music played, where the couple looked deeply into each other’s eyes with the devotion of true love and shared a passionate, angst-filled kiss But they weren’t those people, and the only ht Cain pulled away abruptly and went down one of the dark corridors
He didn’t ant remark or taunt her like he normally did He was so eerily quiet, she al awful just to break up the discomfort of his silence
"I can’t see back here," she said, as she followed hiet her stuff, but a part of her thought et away froy balls"
She’d thought about it, but was afraid he’d take it as a threat And she wasn’t in the ht now "I don’t think it would be bright enough" Which was also true
Cain created a fireball to illu He reached the pod with her stuff in it and placed a hand over the egg-shaped door It glowed for a ainst rock He slung a few of the bags over his shoulder and gave the rest to Taain "You said you had to do big ic?"
He was pretty confident about that ring, if he was just asking now
"I need to contact Henry"
Was that jealousy in his voice? Ridiculous Cain wasn’t the type But it see sier on
"Henry was a dear friend ofhiain She had to be reading things that weren’t there
"He was a raven therian and o He’s on the other side Since Jack formed a connection with me in the dream, I can’t find him, but maybe Henry can So to answer your question, I need to do a séance"
"Don’t you needso It was as if he’d been possessed by soround ht ask him, but he was the only person there Obviously he was the one she’d have to use
They exchanged a look, and she dug through her bags for the book she needed, a sage stick, e container of salt She flipped through the book to the spirit su spell and re-read it to refresh her memory She’d done it many times over the years, but it was alisest to recheck for things like this A sht now she needed predictability
"Could you have done this with your sister? Call her, I entleness in his tone startled her and daht her sister could have given them information they needed about Jack’s location
Tam tried to keep the tears at bay She’d rief wash over her yet She couldn’t And she’d convinced herself it wasn’t necessary If Cain was going to kill her for real, she’d see Nao, and along with it, her ability to keep her emotions in check
"I doubt Jack would be that sloppy He changed locations after each kill for that reason It wouldn’t givereal to use, and it would be too painful"
"He could change his location now," Cain said
"True, but if Henry can make use of the brief connection he et a track on him, it won’t matter He’ll be able to follow him"
She poured the salt in a circle around Cain and lit the sage stick When he looked anxious--an odd look on Cain to be sure--she reassured him
"I need to cleanse the space, first"