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Return to The Northlands
"Be careful what you say A le careless one could easily bind you to an unwanted path, or ruin your reputation It takes only a single utterance to undo a lifetime's work" ~ excerpt frouslo personally brought a large number of administrative officials to House Norton's caic beast furs worth over ahim He was destined to be disappointed All the appraiser he brought along agreed that the pelts orth at least 167price was a ned order glooreat He et rid off for a great price The house had a large store of the to the house themselves
Cotton didn't exist, so silk, linen, and he and other items like blankets Grindians, ere indoors for most of the winter usually used leather and fur to ic beast fur
The first years of his reign as the head of the house saw it fighting the ic beast wave every winter They had accuh to supply the doh in principle the pelts were very valuable, there wasn't an easy way to turn them into money The situation orsened by the fact that untreated fur and leather had a shelf life Since theon their intended use, the house couldn't pre-treat them and store them for later sale, which meant that if they weren't sold relatively quickly, they would become and worthless The ood in The Northlands either Households that needed the material to replace worn items just went out and hunted for it themselves, so he also couldn't wait for an increase in deher price then
When Lorist established the domains naval presence, Petersen Merchant Guild bombed with the information that there wasn't actually much of a market for pelts and leather anywhere on the continent
How could that be possible? He clearly recalled that when he was 20, Charade dragged him to participate in a risky round cave Because of the ilet oat pelt to keep warm As he remembered, the fur his house had stocked up should be a hot product given how he sold furs back when he still hunted ave him an explanation that simply baffled him The lack of a market wast because people didn't want or need pelts, it was siest fur trader on the continent, they held a coe could not be brushed aside
Whilethe cold than huiven that the foruild could only really profit off the small trade because they sold them at hiked prices
Given their position, they would certainly not let his pelts flood the market, it would destroy the delicate balance they had spent years building President Peterson also warned him that mercenaries were the main users of the fur The co they were only going to wear inside, for which they were overkill
The guild was also only really interested in dealing in high-value goods The rich were far ht a few exceptional pelts worth about 500 The more common varieties holly undesired And they were exactly what the house had in bulk
Given how e, it was far more useful to just turn theht Lorist was very invested in training his force to be elite winter troops, soto spend ludicrous a, but the reality was that it didn't cost hiood winterthe materials and time he had It wouldn't cost him much to make the winter clothes, he already had the material by the storehouse, and he had to pay histheht as well have theersoar to hunt in the demonic lands, ic beasts Sih value but a non-existent market
He could still re the pelts in bulk at the price of livestock leather and thought the low price would let hie a market But the Peterson Merchant Guild turned hiic beast fur was sold at that price, it would collapse the price of normal fur and decimate the market When the supply then ran out, there would be no livestock fur industry to replace it
The house hadn't feared the freezing winter when they had ot a set offor free The abundance of rest stops and the fast travel facilitated helped as well If he declared his house used the ue the point The annual winter training also swelled his stock by over 100 thousand His storehouses had never been fuller
The furs he got from the recent hunts weren't much use to the house as h is ht have been different, but, alas, it wasn't