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Chapter 686
‘Does this y for the 64th island was eared Skeletons were ar Technique Lv 5, the God Hands had the epic rated pickaxes that gave Beginner Mining Technique master level, and Noe and Randy were arave Inter with theet all the minerals on the 64th island before his food ran out In addition, even if he failed to finish on tih food for a few ht Grid interpreted the 64th island as easily cleared if he had enough food But reality was unlike Grid’s idea This was the Behen Archipelago and the islands in the 60s boasted an atrocious difficulty The enerated in real ti out a rew on the spot In other words,all of the 64th island’s minerals was impossible
“Wow, I’ crazy”
Before he knew it, three hours had passed Grid, who had focused onup, eventually threw the pickaxe Noe and Randy had long lost their motivation They couldn’t be motivated since they worked so hard to obtain the ain
"I can only destroy the cave itself”
It would be nice if he didn’t have to suffer all this trouble But just like any other game, Satisfy had terrain that could be destroyed as well as those that were indestructible And the 64th island was indestructible
Ka kwang!
He struck again and again with the Enlightenment Sword and black flames exploded However, the cave didn’t ht in the explosion stayed in the sarew again There was no solution to this problem
‘How can I clear this place?’
It was difficult to think about how to disable Gis’ invincibility Coested that the 64th island wasn’t built to be cleared It felt like the maker had intended this to harass the player
“Da be solved easily?”
The anxious Grid threw the iron ore he had just ht Gis, who hadn’t stoppedsince Grid entered the 64th island, was stiff like a stone statue
Noe stuck his tongue out like a puppy and his big eyes blinked He had witnessed Gis stopat Gis He didn’t want to look at the hateful bastard
Ttang! Ttang!
Death Knight Gis started ain!”
Noe hurriedly exclaimed
Grid couldn’t understand Noe’s words He had unconsciously thrown the iron ore out of pure anger and hadn’t been aware of what he just did
Questions were raised in Grid’sa question, Gridto Noe’s demand It showed how much Grid trusted Noe
Grid threw the iron ore!
Gis stopped
Grid witnessed his appearance Noe folded his arhed at Grid’s surprise
“Nyahahat! How is this body’s insight? I a! Nyahahat!”
“Good! Well done! The best!”
Grid learnt the strategy to attack the 64th island! He once again threw an iron ore to stop Gis’ !
The deep cave Every tiht Gis screa
Gis lost his invincibility and his health!
Sticks shivered as he gazed at the sight in the crystal ball with ady for the 64th island in only a few hours!’
The basic condition for attacking the 64th island was ‘ technique’ Grid etting rid of the minerals, he shook Gis, who had an inherent ‘love oflost Gis was no longer invincible
‘Of course’
Gis was a tanker He was a legend who boasted the highest defense Gis ht’ve lost his invincibility, but he wouldn’t be so easily daed by Grid
“Pinnacle Kill!”
"It seeet!]
Grid released Gis’ invincibility with Noe’s help! He i He felt three tied properly However, Grid had the skills to penetrate defense It was Pinnacle and Pinnacle Kill In particular, Pinnacle Kill coet
The stab caused Gis to lose a tremendous amount of health! Gis was threatened and ie]
A tanker’s attack power couldn’t cause serious dae to Grid Gis’ pickaxe failed to penetrate Grid’s Triple Layers After losing his invincibility, Gis was just good prey for Grid
[The hidden passive ‘God's Command’ has reset the cooldown of Pinnacle KIll If reused within three seconds, no resources will be consuuardian of the 64th island who caused a lot of frustration for Grid He was unable to endure Grid’s onslaught and eventually died