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He i Zhuoyi
“Senior sister Ling!”
“Oh, why are you here alone?”
When Ling Zhuoyi sees Liu Yi she is somewhat surprised, “Where is your little lover?”
The little lover she is talking about is none other than Wang Yuzheng
Liu Yi’s face turns red and immediately says, “Senior sister don’t tease me…let me treat you to aZhuoyi who enjoys taking advantage of other people accept it, she suddenly looks at Liu Yi in vigilance, “One who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intent! I do not dare to casually eat Sir Liu’s meal!”
“What the hell! It is all canteen food how can I still poison you?”
“That is true…then first give this lady two servings of fried chicken cutlet! Twoof butter steam bun, five skewers of fried ?!”
“This is just snacks okay”
Ling Zhuoyi’s sentence nearly defeated Liu Yi Woinable creatures!
If it is not for the fact that every month they need to lose a bit of HP, they will definitely be undefeatable!
After Liu Yi has carried over all of the food, Ling Zhuoyi finally asked, “Say it Why did you want to invitewhat is your specialization?”
While Ling Zhuoyi gracefully demolishes a skewer of fired ement of industry and commerce”
“Then…when does Senior Sister start your internship? Have you found a good place?”
“Still have not It is still early and I a Zhuoyi rolls her eyes at Liu Yi “What, you can arrange an internship forZhuoyi immediately slaps Liu Yi’s face with a skewered fried rily, “Motherfucker I just know that you this fellow is a no good person! How dare you raise up this kind of shameless request!”
[TL: the word that Liu Yi use is ‘干’ which have s of which one is work the other is fuck]
Oh !
Liu Yi hurries and explains, “Senior sister, senior sister you have misunderstood! It is not that fuck…it is coo to the company to fuck you? You perverted felloait aas her eyes widen and look at Liu Yi sitting opposite her, “Are you trying to joke around with senior sister? Your co Zhuoyi is quite skilled inthat she had ards in business adZhuoyi looks at LiuYi like she is looking at an alien
“Actually it is a small company only…no one else know and I wish that Senior sister will coe”
“You…ould you co Zhuoyi is still unable to comprehend
This world must be crazy!
“I cannot trust outsiders Thus I must find a person trustable to take this position”
“What position?”
“Chair Zhuoyi spits out the ed rather quickly thus is not sprayed by her
“Are you having a fever…are you? Is today April Fools?!?!”
Ling Zhuoyi touches Liu Yi’s forehead and realizes that it is not hot, thus she thought of another possibility
“Senior sister I a Zhuoyi’s hand and says, “Unless senior sister is not interested at all in turning a s Zhuoyi raises her hand and says to Liu Yi, “You wait a bit Thistiive me some time…”
“Fine then…”
This ive her so Zhuoyi turns around and says to Liu Yi, “Okay I a”
This time around it is Liu Yi’s turn to nearly spit out his drink
Girls are indeed strange creatures…trying to figure them out is indeed very difficult…
“But here is not a place to discuss it…eh, let us change the place I’ll callas well She is also in the same department so can she? Boss junior brother?”
“Why not Since senior sister has a recoe the location!”
Liu Yi looks at Ling Zhuoyi’s self-confident appearance and suddenly feels that he had found the best person