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Four Letter Word J Daniels 14020K 2023-08-31

I glared at him, then scribbled down his order

A Reuben with potato salad

I ripped the ticket froot behind the bar

She laughed atabout praying Jas, then slid the paper across the steel lip of theto Stitch, requesting with a mischief in her eyes, "Loser Special, Stitch sweetie, on the Reuben"

He jerked his chin and kept on cutting up onions

I leaned closer to her

"What’s a Loser Special?"

"Drop the meat on the floor and let it sit there for five seconds"

I straightened in shock

"He does that?" I whispered harshly, looking through theat Stitch and thinking that, yes, he did look like someone ouldn’t care if he dropped meat on the floor and served it to a loser, especially a loser who deserved it, and further thinking he looked like someone who could lay a uy was straight-up edge

I cut

Tori save me

Kali walked up then and joined the two of us behind the bar, coe next to Nate’s office

Shay aiting on a table and no longer hanging around Stitch’s

"I feel so much better," Kali exclaih the white polo shirt ore as unifor all over the place"

"Did you talk to Ca like Christhts

It was beautiful to watch

"He loves FaceTi me," she said to me more than Tori "He just licks the screen and babbles nonsense It’s the cutest thing ever"

My phone vibrated in , "I can’t wait tohim in when I’m off so you can see all his sweetness And we should all totally hang out one night! I can get ive theht," Tori commented

"Absolutely," I answered, head down

"Is it Marcus?"

I kept the screen close toeyes, and shook led with a strange energy

"My mom," I lied, then winced because I lied, but I didn’t know if I could tell Tori as really texting etting butterflies from a boy asn’t my husband