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The Operator Kim Harrison 15440K 2023-08-31

"You ever hear of Michael? Michael Kord," Allen asked "He was a rising drafter when you were in Opti Here, I’ve got a picture of him"

The name was fauy," Allen said as she scanned the grainy surveillance photo of a tall, clean-shaven man with short black hair It had been taken in Detroit; she could see the elevated rail in the background "Bill was groo all sorts of interesting behavior"

Peri’s brow furrowed, a sli over the photo as aabout birds

"Bill is aat the photo "But he doesn’t discard soht, shaken "I rehts into focus He was a dark aunt Attractive Hispanic? He liked his sunglasses and his car Birds The single eons who’d spotted his ride

"You remember Michael?" It was a shocked utterance "That was in the year I erased Do you re about you?" she asked dryly "No I didn’twhat to do with her hands Michael must have really pissed her off for her to have made aelse? I like to mop before the lunch crowd comes in"

"Memory knots?" he questioned "Jeez, Peri, you know better than to play with those"

He needed to leave She could be out of here in forty-five seconds if she had to, but a racious exit--one with the money to hty for the coffee," she said, hip cocked

Allen’s lips parted "Are you kidding?" he said loudly, and the last patron gathering his things snorted It was Caedly beautiful and with a sharpfor the register, unusual for the tech-lovinghis p-cash app to pay at the tables anymore, but maybe that was her fault

Hand on her hip, Peri pointed to the very obvious sign over the register Everything was fifteen-eighty: every size, every variety, every day No refills unless she felt like it She was a lousy bookkeeper, and thisofa cup of coffee, sir," she saida secure place to check your e" And it was secure She made sure of it every day

"I bet you still take cash, don’t you?" he said as he reached for his wallet "Good God, I’et et you your change" Taking the proffered bill, she strode to the register

Flustered, she barely acknowledged Cam when he slid his oenty across the stainless steel counter and she absently e "Thank you," she said when he duo?"