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The last as acco
Jackson hesitated, not sure if he wanted to go back inside and be supportive or run for the hills As theStill, he sucked it up and went into Katie’s roo the sheets up to her shoulders Their eyes ," she said, her voice low and sexy
"Are you listening to me?" Courtney demanded loudly "Alex isn’t sure he wants to ot Katie’s attention She stared at her sister "You said he loves you before Which is it?"
"Does it matter? I’m miserable"
Katie did her best not to roll her eyes "Why? You’reto be a great day"
"You’re just saying that because you’re jealous of me"
Katie frowned If she was jealous, wouldn’t she be mean rather than nice? "What exactly is there to be jealous of?"
"I’ married, and all you have is a paid escort"
Jackson leaned against the door framore amused than hurt "Hundreds of dollars"
"Is there a bonus for good behavior?"
"I was thinking Iextra"
"I can’t wait"
Courtney turned on hi to do with you"
He straightened andto do with me because it has to do with Katie Whatever your proble to do with your sister Katie has been supportive of you, which is more than it seems like you deserve"
Courtney’s mouth dropped open "Youyou"
"Your sister has no interest in Alex If she did, he would be a very lucky man But she has moved on As has Alex He’s in love with you and wants to oing to have to grow up You probably won’t like acting like an adult, but it will be good for you"
Courtney glared at him "I hate you"
"You’re not my favorite person, either"
"You’re not invited toup," Courtney said as she ran out of the rooo after her and apologize?" he asked
Katie grinned "No, but talk about great breakfast theater That was a"
"You shouldn’t let her trash you"
"I know Old habits and all that"
He was about to bend down and kiss her when the door opened again
Janis hurried in, barely blinking when she saw him in Katie’s rooht I can’t find Courtney, Alex isI knew they were going to make me e’d paid theht for each other"
"Courtney was just here," Katie said "She’s upset and emotional"
Janis touched her te on I swear, there will be a wedding if I have to drug the pictures," Katie offered
"I’ that How’s your knee?"
"Much better"
"Thank God That et up and dressed I’ to need help today And very possibly black-s I wonder if your father would write me a prescription" She drew in a breath and s, Jackson"
"A word to the wise Never have daughters"
Thepassed quickly Katie was pleased to discover the swelling in her knee had al her h heels for the walk down the aisle There were a thousand details to see to and in an effort to take the pressure off her mother, she’d offered to take care of all of them The cake was finished, the chairs set up The florist was hard at work, stringing ribbons and setting out arrangements
She left the room that would be used for the actual service, then ht and sunny, pro to be warm Perfect for pictures
Courtney and Alex were nowhere to be seen, but she could only hope they were off so forward
"You’re frowning," Jackson said as he came up behind her and put his ar Courtney and Alex are crazy Shouldn’t they have worked out their issues before they decided to get married?"
"You’d think, but no" He took the clipboard froreat progress" She glanced at him, then away "Ariel left"
He turned her until she faced hio I did"
"But she’s so"
It was i into her eyes like that As if she was interesting and co and, well, wonderful
"What were you like as a kid?" she asked
"Reclusive" He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear "I liked computers more than people and kept to et hborhood, but I wasn’t interested I didn’t kno to fit in or what to say to h social skills?"
"Exactly I was in college by the time I was sixteen"
"The su"
"You bullied me"
"A moment of pride"
One corner of his mouth turned up "If only I’d followed hed "Oh, please You weren’t interested in me"
"There was a spark"
"More like a laser beam of hatred"
"Maybe it would have been better if our mothers had waited to introduce us"
Katie nodded, then looked away What would it have been like if she and Jackson had h school or during her first year of college When she’d been thinner and prettier More interested in boys
"I would have been impressed," she admitted
"Me, too"
He leaned in, as if to kiss her She relaxed into his arive herself over to the h