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Eternally North Tillie Cole 12510K 2023-08-31

Tudor was leaning against the hen I opened the door I took in the scene: he looked like Jahts and protein shakes for a year, and inked hiodly a his overly defined chest; he was staring at his feet, and when he saw eous lopsided se

The cos caused me to waver on , scooped ently and rolled back the duvet, sliding in beside me "Sleep now, Tash It’s okay, I’ll look after you," he kissed htly and wrapped an ar my upper body to spread across his chest His massive, broad chest

I sleepily asked, "What will you do now?"

"Don’t worry about me I’ll just watch a bit of TV Just cuddle in and rest"

"Man to drift into sleep

I could hear Tudor flicking through the music channels as I floated away He stopped with a jerk, and I once again heard ‘Beneath Your Beautiful’ play fro stilled and the re play out and shifted to wrap his body aroundainst my skin

He slid his hand under my pillow and pulled it back almost immediately After a few seconds his breath hitched in and he let out a painful low groan A wool cover draped over my shoulders It smelt of Tudor

Fuck, he found his scarf

I couldn’t be sure, as I was nearly unconscious and internally debating how to deal with the scarf situation, but I thought I heard him whisper sadly "Natasha Munro, you have completely bewitchedto you But it’s iing with it the sun, bathing the roo on one arroaned and stretched, pleased thatlu, chuck," I greeted Tink sleepily

He raised an eyebrow and clicked his fingers about an inch from my face "Natasha Munro, you little slut!"
