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Bestie Bella Jewel 13160K 2023-08-31

He starts chuckling

"That’s not the worst of it" I laugh "The worst part is that nobody told her, the entire night"

"Oh, irl wouldn’t talk to us for a hen she found out"

"Don’t blame her"

I put my arm up under my head and stare at hi at od, this friendship is hilarious"

"We’ve discussed your stalker tendencies Staring is one of therins "Go to sleep"

"You’re staying?"


That sound Hot

"In my bed?"



"Anyone ever tell you that you talk toohis ar me towards him so my face presses into his chest

For a minute, I just lie there, not sure what to do, then I finally relax in his arms He told esture

"I thought you didn’t cuddle," I say

"I’m cold," he murmurs

I stay there in his ar He et heavy, and I exhale, relaxing further into hile in his arms

Yep, this is the best


I walk into the co off the ground, and I giggle as familiar hands wrap around my waist Jack Always Jack

"Where have you been?" he asks, not puttinga terrible friend What will I do?"

"God, you talk too much," I say "Now put me down"

He puts me down, and I spin towards him "I’m busy Some of us have a life, you should try it soirl that doesn’t even like you"

He slaps his chest "Burned You cut"That’s what friends are for Had anyhs and we fall into step beside each other, walking towards the clubhouse "She’s still playing hard to get That’s all it is now, a gaood looks and charm are sure to do the trick eventually"

"Maybe " I point out waving a finger around "Maybe she prefers pretty boys"

Jack gasps "Are you saying I’irly if you ask eous, and he knows it He knows I know it, too
