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"Nothing?" I say, and it coup and et etinsideet etting at
"Of course we’re getting married," he says in a tone that makes oing on between the two of us?" He shakes his head, putting his fingers undering on my bottom lip "You make me crazy" He kisses ht"
"We don’t need to talk," I say immediately
"You don’t need to talk You just need to listen"
"Joy" I sigh, trying to think of a way to get out of this
"When I get home, we’ll talk"
"I can’t wait," I say sarcastically and yell, "Ohen he sets the look in his eyes that tells et bent over
"Keep up the s that will keep you quiet," he whispers in oose buo into the office," I breathe, closing e of me on my knees in front of him flashes behind my closed lids Every time I have tried to take hi that he needed to be inside oes to his chest, where I listen to the rhythet home" I squeeze his waist and feel his lips at the top of et home," he says quietly
"Okay," I reply, and he kisses ot it bad," Nancy says,in the doorway, she looksup the stairs at where Kenton just disappeared
"I would send you up to get dressed, but he’s up there now, and if you go up there with hi neither of you will be back down for a while"
I feel round
"Co back into the kitchen
I follow behind, wondering if she gets off onme squirm
Once we’ve had coffee and Kenton cooodbye, he tells e him any tih about that, but I have a feeling that he’s being completely serious
The minute the door closes behind hiet dressed She lets ivesthat the only way I could disagree is if I pop out a kid or start planning a wedding, and neither of those things is going to happen for a while, so I’ hat she picks out