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Just One Day Gayle Forman 32390K 2023-08-31

Spending ether that’s 2,600 That’s how et to Europe Mo with the trip, obviously, and they’re refusing to let ifts through the years, because that’s supposed to be for educational purposes, and they’re the trustees on the account, so I can’t argue Besides, it’s only through Grando live at Dee’s for the sureed to let me live at ho the entire story I told them I went to Paris I didn’t tell theo back, except that I left so important there--they think it’s the suitcase

I’m not sure what infuriates her more Last su about it She refused to speak to me after the Seder and then four weeks went by with barely a word from her Now that I’m back home for the start of the summer she basically avoids me Which is both a relief and also kind of scary, because she’s never done anything like this before

Dee says that twenty-six hundred dollars is a lot for twothe French class But I feel like I need to do that I’ve alanted to learn French And I’ down Céline--without it

So, twenty-six hundred bucks Doable If I get a job But the thing is, I’ve never had a job before Nothing re at Dad’s office, which hardly fills the spiffy new résumé that I’ve printed on beautiful card stock Maybe this explains why, after dropping it off at every business in toith a job opening, I get zero response

I decide to sell my clock collection I take them to an antique dealer in Philadelphia He offers me five hundred bucks for the lot I’ve easily spent double that on the clocks over the years, but he just looks at me and says that maybe I’ll do better on eBay But that would take months, and I just want to be rid of them So I hand over the clocks, except for a Betty Boop one, which I send to Dee

When Mom finds out what I’ve done, she shakes her head with such profound disgust, like I have just sold my body, not h the house like a radiation cloud Nowhere is safe to hide

I have to get a job Not just to earn theto Melanie’s isn’t an option Nu, and nura to ,?? Dee advises when I call him for job advice from our landline As part of my punishment, my cell phone has been turned off, and the fa o to the library "Drop your résu they’re hiring, ’cause usually places that are desperate enough to hire someone like you don’t have time to advertise"

"Thanks a lot"

"You want a job? S your pride And drop off a résumé everywhere"

"Even the car wash?" I joke

"Yeah Even the car wash" Dee isn’t kidding "And ask to speak to theof All Car Washes"

I i hubcaps But then I think of Dee, working in a pillow factory this su hall He does what he has to do So the next day, I print out fifty new résu shop to grocery store, CPA firm to the liquor store to, yes, the car wash I don’t just drop ers Soers co I want to be employed for I listen to my own answers: No real job experience to speak of Twome

I’m almost out of résumés when I pass by Café Finlay It’s a se of town, all done up in 1950s décor, with black-and-white-checked floors and a one past, it see fro I push the door, and it nudges open I shout "hello" No one replies The chairs are all stacked up on the tables There’s a pile of fresh linens on one of the booths Yesterday’s specials are scrawled on a chalkboard on the wall Things like halibut with an orange tequila jalapeño beurre blanc with kiwi fruit Mom calls the food here "eclectic," her code for weird, which is e’ve never eaten here I don’t know anyone who eats here

"You here with the bread?"

I spin around There’s a wo out from under a blue bandanna

"No," I say

"Motherfucker!" She shakes her head "What do you want?" I hold out a résumé She waves it away "Ever work in a kitchen?" I shake my head

"Sorry No," she says

She looks at the Marilyn Monroe wall clock "I’ to kill you, Jonas!" She shakes her fist at the door

I turn to leave, but then I stop "What’s the bread order?" I ask "I’ll run and get it for you"

She glances at the clock again and sighs drauettes, six loaves of the Harvest And a couple of day-old brioche You got that?"

"I think so"

"Think so’s not gonna butter the bread, honey"

"Eighteen baguettes Six loaves of Harvest and a couple of day-old brioche"

"Make sure it’s stale brioche Can’twith fresh bread And ask for Jonas Tell him it’s for Babs and tell him he can throw in the brioche for free and knock twenty percent off the rest because his daet any sourdough I hate that shit"