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Web of Lies Jennifer Estep 41860K 2023-08-31

Violet nodded again "Of course Like I said, the Tin Man was my only hope Now you’re rimaced But I didn’t tell Violet Fox how hable, even That I only brought death to people, not hope That I was doing this rare, pro bono good deed out ofelse


Finn steered out of Jo-Jo’s subdivision and headed north Following Violet Fox’s directions, we left the suburbs behind and drove through the heart of Northtohere the rich, richer, and richest lived People didn’t have mansions in Northtown - they had estates If not for the driveways, iron gates, and tasteful brick walls that could be seen froht the area was deserted

Because nobody with real wealth, h to let their ho north The terrain beca hills of the lowlands gave way to knobby ridges and pine-covered an to appear on the side of the road, although they were far less grand than the hidden McMansions that populated the Northtown estates The road narrowed from four lanes to two and twisted back on itself in a series of switchbacks that would give most folks nausea

Instead of sleek sedans and chroan to pass dump- and coal trucks on the road

After about thirty , Violet pointed out the windshield "That’s it, just up ahead at the crossroads"

Finn slowed, turned into a gravel lot, and parked I peered out theat the structure before us The two-story clapboard buildingcabin, once upon a ti sported a fresh coat of white paint, with the shutters tris squatted next to the main structure, connected to it by short, covered ays

Wooden steps led up to a front porch that was even wider than Jo-Jo’s The porch ran the length of all three buildings Rocking chairs lined either side of the front door, along with barrels topped with checkerboards The tin sign leareen paint that s were also tin, the kind that made a slow, steady rain sound like a classical sonata

The parking lot - if you wanted to call it that and not just loose gravel, curved around the store like a crescent ht, and the road caht or left One of the road signs pointed the way back to the interstate and declared that this stretch of pavehway The other sign featured an arrow and the words Dawson No 3 Less than a o check out the coal ot out of the car Underneath ravel vibrated with the sounds of traffic and tires continually rolling across it A lol that told o by in their ti sinister, just the everyday facts of life

A shtened Violet Fox’s face and softened her eyes, chasing away soht

"You really love this place, don’t you?" I asked

She nodded "My parents died when I was ten My grandfather tookhim with the store ever since It’s like my second home, you know?"

Violet Fox and I were more alike than she realized, because I did know Because I felt the same way about the Pork Pit That’s why I’d reacted so badly, so defensively, when Jonah McAllister had comy home as well A piece of my heart The last piece of Fletcher Lane that I had, since the oldelse but riddles to solve

Violet started to walk ahead to the store, but I grabbed her arm

"Stay behind ht?"

Finn stared atto be trouble inside, Gin?"

I shrugged "I don’t know But if this is such a popular place, why aren’t there more cars here? It’s lunchti a sandwich or a cold drink"

Finn’s green eyes flicked over the gravel lot Only one other car was parked in it, an anonymous navy sedan His eyes drifted out to the road A steady stream of traffic came and went at the crossroads, but none of the drivers looked at the store, htened

"It’s been quiet since Dawson started sending his men over to harass us," Violet explained "People don’t like to stop soht be trouble Soht hours It’s probably just a slow day"

"Coo find out"

I led the ith Finn behindlot, I palmed one of my silverstone knives If there was trouble inside, I’d be the first one to see it - and I wanted to be ready to deal with it

The porch stairs didn’t creak under ht They were too smooth and orn to do that I walked up them, opened the front door, and stepped inside

Country Daze was exactly what I’d expected Scarred, ancient wooden floors Displays of tourist T-shirts, key chains, and other doodads An odd assortment of tools and outdoor equipment Barrels full of rock candy, saltwater taffy, and cellophane-wrapped sugary pralines A couple of coolers filled with old-fashioned glass soda bottles

A few more with sandwiches and other snacks Tables full of honey, strawberry preserves, and apple butter A revolving rack of cheap sunglasses Nicer arrangements of quilts, baskets, and other, e counter filled with silver jewelry formed a solid square in the middle of the store An old un with a scarred wooden stock

What little there was of his wispy white hair stuck up over his forehead as if it had been shocked upright by h two chocolate caramels had been stuffed in his face He was about ht His skin was a dark, burnished brown, e, rooved his face around his pinchedwas the fact he wore a blue work shirt that could have coht out of Fletcher Lane’s closet His dark eyes held the same fierce determination that Fletcher’s had always had, and I could tell by his proud stance that this store was his life, his kingdom, and meant as much to him as the Pork Pit had to Fletcher Thelike e of Fletcher It unsettled me - and made me feel a softness toward hi to earn

I didn’t need Violet to tell randfather, Warren T Fox A crotchety old coot who’d probably just as soon cuss as look at you I knew the type I’d been raised by one

But Warren T Fox wasn’t alone

There was another man with him, someone who needed no introduction, either Sole" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>