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You could’ve drawn a picture(or, at least, colored one in)
You could’ve started a book
Or finished a prayer
You could’ve talked to God
When was the last time you prayed?
Really prayed
This is a long poe, in fact, that you’ve already spent a ed a friend for a minute?
Or told them that you love them?
Tell your friends you love them
no, I mean it,
tell them
Say, I love you
Say, you
Because that is what friends do
Of all of the wonderful things that you could’ve done
During this very, very long poem
You could have connected
Maybe you are connecting
Maybe we’re connecting
See, I believe that the only things that really rand scheme of life are
God and people
And if people are e of God
Then when you spend your time with people
It’s never wasted
And in this very long poe to let a poes sis more complicated
We have each other for that
We need poes that reallytime
To be alive for the sake of sole moment
Or for many moments
’Cause we need each other
To hold the hands of a broken person
All you have to do is meet a person
Shake their hand
Look in their eyes
They are you
We are all broken together
But these shattered pieces of our existence don’t have to be a ues so poem
A story of a life
The joy of a friend and the grief of a friend
To hold and be held
And be quiet
So, pray
Write a postcard
Call your parents and forgive them and then thank them
Turn off the TV
Create art as best as you can
Share as much as possible, especiallypoeht you to them
SHE WIPES ANOTHER tear from her eye when the perfor with the rest of the crowd, corossed in the atain, I take her hand in mine We’ve been here close to two hours now and I’m sure she’s tired, based on the week she’s had Besides, I never stay for all of the perforin to stand up to lead her out of the booth when the emcee makes one last appeal for perforhts written clearly across her face
"Will, you can’t bring me here and not perform Please do one? Please, please, please?"
I had no intention of doing a poeht At all But oh,to make me do this, I can already tell There’s no way I can say no to those eyes I lean h "You’re killingnew"
"Do soests "Or do all these people make you nervous?"