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"Leaving school grounds with peruardian Va--"
"Mr Aleksandrov, with all due respect, she was hardly va," Eli interrupted
"Ruby, did you kill the vampire you wanted to in order to save a human?"
"My cousin," I corrected Human seemed a little impersonal
"Did you or did you not kill the v--"
Mr Aleksandrov rattled of a few more rules and laws I had broken Eli protested every broken rule he thought didn’t fit the situation, and every time someone provided some kind of ridiculous exae of my seat and corrected my posture
"Expel her," snarled an old man three seats to the left of Mr Aleksandrov
"No," called the woht of Mr Aleksandrov; it was Lillian
"She’s far behind any of our students," rebutted the man
"She has tremendous potential, we need her"
They all nodded their heads, except the oldthey all knew that I didn’t
"Killing angelsher, Eli? Her mother is the reason your father is dead"
I whipped my head to look at Eli His face was fierce as he clenched his teeth
"My father died in duty"
"Yes, but Meredith Moore was associating with vampires… like this one" He flicked his head towardsresearch"
"And they betrayed her, calling in more vampires She escaped and your father died Funny that"
"He did his job and protected her Where are you going with this exactly, Gordon?"
"Just saying" Gordon s the exchange of words between the two "You broke ered yourself, and you are responsible for the deaths of three guardian angels You are lucky the higher power has no idea about this Your punishment for your behaviour is expulsion"
Wherefore art thou?
My life at Sage Sanctum flashed before my eyes This is it? It’s really over? I felt nauseous and a headache began to pound in my head I put my hand over ; I had to keep it together in order to prevent the walls ofin on hly," Lillian dehout the hall; Eli was at the table expressing his outrage, as well
"Enough!" Ivan bellowed "Shall we vote?"
They all agreed There were six people that sat along the table I only kneo, Lillian and Mr Aleksandrov Odds were not in my favor, and even less now that Mr Aleksandrov was the one to decide to expel in Gordon?"
"Stay," she stated fiercely
Mr Aleksandrov rattled off a few more names So far three wanted me expelled and tanted me to stay
"Eli?" Mr Aleksandrov asked
That’s three for three
Mr Aleksandrov glanced at the paper "It seeuess I will be the tie breaker"
Gordon’s face lit up andto sit there and let so to be kicked out, I at least needed to fight for what I wanted At least then I could say I tried
Mr Aleksandrov opened his mouth to talk
"May I say a feords?" I asked
"…Go ahead"
I got up from my chair and stepped a little closer to the table
"I know, since the beginning, I’ve been a handful I was a mess and I had sohere has helped ht off those demons From the start, I felt welcome I kno much I’ve thrown it back in your faces, especially you, Mr Aleksandrov, but I have made so many friends, Mila, especially, and I’m not ready to throw that away… she’s my best friend"
I played the ’Mila’ card I knoas sneaky, but I knew Aleksandrov loved his niece , and if her happiness was at stake, he wouldn’t risk it
"You can stay," he uttered
My knees alave way from underneath me Joy flooded my chest and I smiled at Eli His expression was proud and happy The board began to dissean to exit out the door
"Oh, Ruby," called Mr Aleksandrov
I turned around
"There will be a letter delivered to your dorm today; it will have a detailed list of all your detention details"
I s detention was a bulad that it was (finally) the only worry I had in the world
"Well done," Lillian celebrated, pulling racefully, as if she alking on air
"Not a bad speech Good idea incorporating Mila into it, he didn’t think about her until you ive it a try"
He placed his hand onfloated at his words I felt silly as a shy grin crossed , you have said sos to me, but that’s my favorite"
"Why is that your favorite?"
"Because no one has ever said that to me before…"
His slad that I was your first…"
I suppressed a laugh