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Scandalous HM Ward 29470K 2023-08-31

"Do you really think you can resist hiether She knew she just asked a loaded question I must have looked at her with venom, because she held up her hands in surrender, "I co about you--about the life you chose--does Jack fit into it?"

Sing hard, I wanted to answer her, and bite off her head, but Kate was right I looked down at the water "As a friend, he fits perfectly"

"And as soI believe, and I already know Jack’s not the guy for me I didn’t tell you this when it happened, but Kate--I al as saucers, her jaw hanging open as she stared at ed it off like it was nothing, even though it wasn’t "I didn’t tell anyone It was kind of e Before I left, I nearly kissed him We were so close, but he didn’t kiss usted him It was horrible, like I coain, so you don’t have to worry about Jack, and neither do I"


My opinion of Jack was soaring I couldn’t believe what he did--that his success was fro the poor It blindsidedanother facet of Jack Gray that I didn’t know existed I couldn’t even get ation to tithe ten percent, and they still pitched a fit e didn’t spend the tithes on the church building But Jack, he see When he thought I couldn’t see that, he was angry--hurt But now, after working together for several days, I couldn’t see anything else

I went to the studio, night after night for over a week Jack was always sh I could tell he hadn’t really found the look he was after, not yet That didn’t affect his , he was in his element and happy Once he started, his concentration kicked in and he didn’t speak until he was giving directions at the end of the session The process Jack created s extraordinary, even if he didn’t finish s would be pulled froiven tis in his collection It was this collection that patrons could browse and purchase froirls said Jack sold theave him the means to own this pricy plot of land and pay his employees very well Jack seemed to donate a lot of his fortune as well He didn’t say anything, but I saw one of the letters on his desk thanking hienerous contribution ay too many zeros to be real--but it was And Jack was real, no matter how fairytale-like he seemed

As I sat and watched hi in the pit ofthe movement of the brush on bare skin, and the look in his eyes when he did it--like nothing else existed--it was alluring I found that I wanted to watch hi

The ies strewn across the paint took my breath away, not only because of their beauty but because of their raw, evocative nature In short, the paintings were hot The way in which he achieved those sensual pieces of art was so far froht Jack’s art was hauntingly beautiful The i how he made them only made it more incredible His directions were so cold and ht he’d be while creating

Just as I foundthe models anymore, I dropped a model It wasn’t really my fault, but it was completely my fault It was about teeks after I started, Jack and I were at the studio alone with a model That part was nor lunatic that ca the model, Rose, onto the canvas Rose had her hand stretched out behind her, ready to do what Jack wanted I held her other hand firht My feet were slipping toward the canvas as I tried to hold her still and lower her at the same time Jack’s eyes flew to the door when he heard the voice outside His eyes blazed with fury when the wo in like she owned the place

"Jonathan Gray," she snapped her fingers at hi Gus appeared behind her with an apologetic look on his face The witch snapped twice more

That’s when it happened Theon, and the tiny movement made my already slick hands lose hold of her Thedown onto the canvas, as I fell backwards onto s as her back hit the hard floor Knowing Jack couldn’t touch the naked, painted, girl, I scra covered in paint

Jack was furious, "What are you doing here, Belinda? The Galleria is closed and I’ every aantly plated into an elaborate hairstyle at the nape of her neck The dark suit made her sandy hair seeusted face at me and Rose on the canvas "Lookson a slick canvas? Jack…" She tutted hihty puppy