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"Thank you"
"And what about Squanto's dance, Gooney Bird? Have you been working on it?"
Gooney Bird frowned "Yes It's hard, though I keep wanting to do the hula"
"The hula?"
"My grandma can do the hula," Keiko said "She lives in Hawaii"
"That's lovely, Keiko If she coeon said
"My grandma can do the funky chicken!" Chelsea said She stood, with her white Pilgri forward, in order to deether, watching Chelsea wiggle her behind
Mrs Pidgeon played a loud chord on the piano in order to get the class's attention Then she began to play some low notes in a repetitive way "Pretend this is a drue, keeping ti too?"
"I guess so," Gooney Bird said "I'll work on it at home And it'll be easier when I have my costume on I'll feel more like a real Squanto in eon picked up the chalk and added AUTHENTIC to the word list
"True and original, known to be trustworthy," Beanie read froht," said Gooney Bird
Gooney Bird and the Roo finished," Mrs Pidgeon announced She sat down at the piano "We'll need to learn it quickly because, as you know, the Thanksgiving pageant is next week
"Gather round," she said "And now that we've finished the hats and headbands, why don't ear the? This will be a sort of a dress rehearsal
"Pilgrims over here" She pointed to the left "And Native Araders, wearing their headgear, arranged themselves around the piano
"I can't see!" Nicholas called His Pilgrim hat had slid down over his eyes Beanie, her ohite bonnet falling across her forehead, leaned over and lifted his hat up "Stand very still," she told hiain"
"How about me?" Gooney Bird asked "Where should Squanto stand? Probably in the ht s?"
"In the eon said "What is that on your head, Gooney Bird?"
"Squanto's hat"
"I thought you werea headband"
"I decided Squanto should have a better hat than the other Native Aland, remember?"
"Well, yes, he did travel there But that's a top hat, Gooney Bird Soht wear I don't think--"
"I think Squanto brought it back froht a lot of new clothes there People always buy new clothes when they travel"
"That's true My ht a muumuu," Keiko said
"My dad went to Albuquerque on business and he brought back a silver and turquoise belt buckle," Tricia said
"My eon sighed She played a chord on the piano, to quiet the children Then she played a si, "Roooonize that? It's the raders shook their heads "I know a song about the man in the moon," Beanie said
"I know one about the cow that jumped over the moon," Ben said
"I know one about shine on harvest ," Tyrone announced "Listen! Oh Mister Moon, Moon, bright and shiny moon, please shine down on eon played the"Try it with me"
"Roooo Keiko's headband fell forward across her eyes She pushed it back up but her bangs got caught
"I can't see," Felicia Ann whispered Her Pilgrim bonnet had lurched down over her forehead
"Oh dear," Mrs Pidgeon said, turning around on the piano bench "We're having hat probleh We need to learn this song The next line is" She hesitated "Well, if ere singing the original song, it would be wider than a mile--but of course we don't want the roo on hoide she is, do we?" Mrs Pidgeon winked at Gooney Bird
Gooney Bird shrugged "I don't think she'd eon said "So we'll sing kinder than a smile instead Give it a try after ri loudly "Kinder than a smile--"
"Good! Barry? Can you push your headband up?"
Barry tried
"Ben? Pilgrim hat? Up?"
Ben tried He wrinkled his face in order to hold his hat bri is in style--"
"Why would we say that, Mrs Pidgeon?" Gooney Bird asked
"Well, because it rhyh of course I don't know our roonito, I suspect she is quite stylish, right? Because she coeon lookedflowered gypsy skirt, a leather vest, hiking boots with red laces, and, of course, the top hat that she had explained Squanto would have brought back frohed "Okay," she said "Whatever"
"Hooray--" Mrs Pidgeon sang next "In the original song,"
Gooney Bird and the Room Mother
she explained, "it says someday at that point But someday doesn't work for us, really"
"No," said Malcolht away after the pageant!"