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Anka slipped her arms around his neck and pressed kisses to his face "We all did it Together, we rid ickind of the worst threat in centuries I don’t care if anyone knows my role I only care for peace And love Would you take me to your house?" She looked at him with her heart in her eyes "I mean, to our home?"

Chapter Nineteen

Gratitude warred with dizzying happiness as Lucan lifted Anka into his arainst his chest "Of course, love, hoain I will fight for you I will die for you And I will love you every day"

Wet and shivering, covered injustice, this wasn’t the Anka he’d fallen in love with over a hundred years ago This Anka had endured hell and walked through fire Like a phoenix, she’d risen fro of this woman, her fears, her sorrows, her needs Lucan swore to God he’d do whatever he must to fill her up, heart, body, and soul everyday for the rest of their centuries This Anka was more dear and beautiful than ever

As he made to teleport away, he looked up at the sathered around Mathias’s and Rhea’s bodies He thanked God that, save a few nicks and scratches, they all looked no worse for the wear Sabelle’s eyes watered with happy tears Ice, with his arratulating him on a job well done Marrok lifted his sword in salute Braest he’d known Lucan would be reunited with Anka all along Lucan wasn’t sure he was ready to forgive Bra else rin Yes, the wicked duo knew exactly what he and Anka would be doing next

"Have fun And don’t do anything ouldn’t do," Ronan suggested with a waggle of his brows

Raiden laughed "Don’t worry, mate That leaves you with plenty of options"

Since the wizards had shagged their way through most of the UK for decades?

"Most assuredly," Duke drawled, holding a tired but glowing Felicia to his side

"Splendid advice" Lucan grinned In fact, he couldn’t wait to get started

In his arain

Caden clapped hientle smile "You deserve it Both of you Love well and forever"

"I’d like that" Her voice shook, but this time it wasn’t from the chill, Lucan knew She trembled with emotion

"I’d love that" Lucan held her closer "Like I’ll always love you Let’s go"