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"Stop!" He rolled to his back, splaying Anka across his chest, and glared at Millie "Don’t finish this She can stay Shock’s ive her to hi open

"I’d rather have her alive and with Shock than have to surrender her to the four elements for her nextlife"

The pity on Millie’s face deepened "I’m sorry, lad I can’t stop now If I do, she will die Anka anna’s spell wears off She can’t take it fro ensures that she can’t make love with anyone except her le

"Why did you do this, Anka?" He gripped her against hi to keep you alive" An idea seized hilanced up at Millie "Transfer my life to her"

"What?" Sabelle yelled "You can’t--"

Lucan ignored her "Do it"

The old witch hesitated, wringing her hands "I can transfer life You know that o to your nextlife"

"Of course Don’t waste time! Just do it"

Still, Millie paused "Even if you gave your life, she ht not accept it Sabelle?"

Bram’s sister shook her blonde curls, her beautiful face mottled red with tears They all kne desperate this situation had beco down the tracks, headed for the collision course straightaway

"She won’t take it," Sabelle choked "She’s ada, whatever happens…happens"

"And losing you ht kill her," Millie pointed out

Lucan sed, holding Anka’s beloved for for any option But he kept coht kill him

Fuck, this couldn’t be the last time he held her He refused to believe that she would never sain, that he would never see her lashes flutter open, that he would never have the opportunity to bring her back to their home so he could finally be theof theirs birthed into the world They would never get to grow old together over the centuries That Anka would sione, the space she’d once occupied a void, empty--as his arms would be forever

He sobbed into her neck, his grip on her desperate The soft strands of her hair spilled over his fingers Her faint exhalations feathered across his cheek Her heart beat against his In one forever

"Aren’t there any other options?" Hell, he sounded like he was pleading In a way, he was

Millie’s froas apologetic "I’o now or he would lose her forever Lucan hugged her against his body, grief clawing its way through his chest Helplessness wracked hientle soul, kind and giving to others She’d listened, soothed, h Despite her leather pants of late, that wo with the warrior-in-training who had shown so much moxie He wanted that heroine who had co resolution

That was the answer She’d wanted to fight He needed to make that desire for justice burn in her once more

Lucan rolled Anka beneath hihtly parted and slack He caressed her cheek Bloody hell, she was so beautiful, inside and out If he couldn’t appeal to her with love, he would appeal to her the only other way he had left

"Stay strong, love" He pressed his lips to hers softly, willing as y into her body as he could "As soon as Millie is done, I’ll be back for you Then I’ll do whatever it takes to help you get your revenge against Mathias It’s what you want, isn’t it? You’re not going to let hiive up until you repay hi, will you?"

In the little chair beside the bed, Sabelle sat up straight and opened her eyes wide,now"

Lucan sent her a shaky sht You’re a survivor Co We’ll ood I’ll pledge you everything I have, all that I am, all that you need Just come back to me"

Sabelle stared at Anka, then frowned The expression deepened with each h Lucan

"What is it?"

Suddenly, Sabelle clapped her hand across herthat she can’t be one of the Doo her because she’ll no longer be going back to Shock every night"

Lucan frowned Anka’s concern hardly made sense, but noasn’t the ti her to fight for her life and her retribution "Don’t worry about Bram, love I’ll talk to hiht Mathias I will do everything in e"

Sabelle peered at Anka for a long moment, then nodded "She’s relieved Anka wanted to leave Shock before she began training Had, in fact Apparently, my brother was quite insistent that she return to him She was only allowed to join the Dooreed to stay with Shock"

Anka had tried to leave Shock nearly a week ago, and Bra with betrayal to create a tsuna him under He reined it in for now "It’s fine, love Kiss me now I’ll be back when you’re free"

For what he prayed wasn’t the last time, Lucan swept his lips over hers Beneath hi shallow…except for one little ave a little ainst his skin, her scent wrapping around hioodness he could taste on her Somewhere in there, she loved hi for retribution, and they needed to talk about trust Then, he would oddaether

Restraining the urge to clasp her to hith andat her, burning the ie of her beloved face into his ently touched his shoulder "It’s tier My opportunity to finish this is shrinking"

"Fight, love," he whispered to Anka "For yourself For us So we can fight together and defeat Mathias I love you"

Squeezing her hand for the last tiers, then slah Not nearly enough The rest was up to Millie, Anka, and Fate

He wanted to curl up with a bottle, get stinking pissed, and bawl his eyes out He couldn’t afford to do that One thing he could control? His "friend"