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&039;What the fucking hell is going on?&039; Michael cursed as he pushed open the farmhouse door and ushered Emma inside Carl followed seconds later and, as the second , Michael slammed the door shut behind him and locked it Emma slid down the wall at the bottom of the stairs and held her head in her hands
&039;Christ knows,&039; she sighed, exhausted and out of breath
Carl barged back past Michael to peer through one of the slass s in the front door
&039;Shit,&039; he hissed under his breath &039;There are loads of them out there, bloody loads of them I can see at least ten froely fascinated by everything that was happening outside While Emma and Michael were content to shut the door and lock thehtmare world, Carl was puht
Michael sat down on the stairs next to Eently rested his hand on her shoulder
&039;They&039;ve changed,&039; she said, her head still held low &039;I don&039;t knohat&039;s happened or why but they&039;ve changed&039;
&039;I know I saw it last night,&039; he whispered, &039;when you and Carl were asleep&039;
Emma looked up
&039;What happened?&039;
&039;I went out to shut off the generator and there were four of the around outside the shed&039;
&039;You didn&039;t say anything&039;
&039;I didn&039;t think anything of it until now Anyway, as soon as I switched off the generator they disappeared&039;
&039;Don&039;t think they&039;re co any closer,&039; Carl said, his face still pressed hard against the glass, still ignorant to their conversation &039;Looks like they&039;re starting to oing?&039; Michael asked
&039;Not sure Might be heading towards the back of the house&039;
&039;Back to the generator?&039; Emma wondered
&039;Could be, why?&039;
She shrugged her shoulders and held her head again
&039;Don&039;t know,&039; sheher tired and tearstained eyes &039;Last night, did those bodies leave as soon as the generator itched off?&039;
&039;I think so,&039; Michael replied
&039;Well that&039;s it then, isn&039;t it?&039;
&039;What?&039; he pressed, suddenly feeling a little foolish and confused because although she see, he didn&039;t have a clue He respected Emma&039;s opinion but wished that he could understand for hi around the desolate countryside She may only have been a part-qualified doctor (if that) but that part-qualification see authority on what remained of the huain their senses&039;
&039;But why? Why now?&039;
&039;I don&039;t know Re around?&039;
&039;So this &039;
&039;What the hell are you talking about?&039; Carl interrupted, turning from events outside to face the others and join their conversation
&039;Don&039;t know really,&039; she aded as we first thought&039;
&039;Jesus,&039; he laughed, unable to believe what he was hearing &039;They couldn&039;t have been ed, could they? They we&039;re dead for Christ&039;s sake!&039;
&039;I know that,&039; she sighed &039;So maybe it&039;s just a small part of them that&039;s survived The only reactions we&039;ve seen have been basic and instinctive I was taught that there&039;s a luht be responsible for instinct Maybe that&039;s the part of them that&039;s still alive?&039;
&039;But they didn&039;t attack ht, did they?&039; Michael reht past those bastards and&039;
&039;Perhaps they were only just starting to respond last night? This is a gradual thing From what you&039;ve told me it seems possible that they&039;ve only been like this for a few hours&039;
&039;This sounds like bullshit,&039; Carl snapped angrily
&039;I know it does,&039; Emma admitted, &039;but you come up with a better explanation and I&039;ll listen Oneeveryone drops down dead A few days later, half of theain A few days after that and they start responding to the outside world and their eyes and ears start working again You&039;re coht, Carl, it stinks It does sounds like bullshit&039;