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Hater David Moody 12130K 2023-08-31


The dead politician&039;s words still rattle round my head as I wake up I&039;ve slept for little more than an hour but I feel as refreshed as if I&039;ve slept all night I look up at the canopy of leaves and twisted branches above my head A faht it was you,&039; says Patrick &039;You et away then&039;

I sit up quickly He reaches out his hand and I shake it I look around and see that many more people have arrived here while I&039;ve been asleep

&039;You okay,&039; I ask as I stand up and stretch

&039;Absolutely bloody brilliant,&039; he replies, grinning from ear to ear &039;You?&039;

I think before answering In less than twenty-four hours I&039;ve lost everything that used to matter to me I should feel battered, devastated and empty but I don&039;t I echo Patrick&039;s sentiment I feel incredible I feel alive My body is full of energy and strength My mind is clear I&039;m ready to do what I have to do

&039;Never felt like this before,&039; I tell hiood&039;

It isn&039;t long before we ht us to this place tell us that there&039;s a small town on the other side of this valley We&039;ll start there I know exactly what I have to do I&039;o into the streets and destroy as

We leave the trees at the botto The sun is just beginning to rise and I can already hear the sounds of fighting drifting on the breeze There&039;s a hint of s torn apart

Christ I feel strong I kno that I&039;ve finally thrown off the shackles and restraints of the life I used to lead and I&039;m free to follow my instincts and do what I was born to do For the first ti and not feel any pain I know thatfor us I hope I&039;ll find her again one day I&039;ll tell her how proud I a up the side of the steep hill which looms ahead of us We reach the top of the climb and I&039;ether we look down onto a truly beautiful scene In the distance we can see the town, and it is burning There are already battles raging in the streets Explosions rock buildings and reduce the

It&039;s awe-inspiring

Patrick grins like a child on Christ

The sun bathes the scene with brilliant, golden light and I can see fortowards the town frout I start to run towards the buildings, desperate to get there, desperate to fight and kill

We thunder down the other side of the hill, sprint diagonally across a wide and uneven field and then reach the main road into the town With two others I break into the first building we reach We smash the front s of the small, square house and cli pathetically in a bedroo it out, stand it upright and smash its face into the wall There&039;s another in the wardrobe It tries to stay silent but I can hear its unsteady breathing and pitiful whi I pull the doors open, throw it across the room and watch in satisfaction as the other tho are in here with et back outside our bloody attack has been replayed nu for breath I run on, desperate to find more of them to destroy

This is a perfect day

After sois clear Everything finally makes sense

We are at war