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"So you don’t reo? You don’t re h about it but I could tel fro to worry
I debated about lying to her to save some face but I couldn’t
"No, I don’t re my nails the other day either"
"Maybe you’re sleepwalking And sleeptexting And sleeppris were getting more out of control by theup and tucking her phone into the waistband of her leggings "Just don’t start sleepfucking"
"Ada!" I adhted for having offended ?"
"Well now there’s so theht?"
She sucked in her lip "I don’t have to but I want to I haven’t been with Layton outside of school all this week"
"I thought you were going to break up with hi," she toldto keep her fro she needed to do just because I was scared I mean, what could Ada do anyway except take , God forbid
She put her warm hand on my shoulder and squeezed it
Then she paused as she stared atwith your eyes?"
I felt a strange, sickening fear tighten the muscles in my back
"My eyes?" I shook my head slowly My voice trembled, "You tel me"
She leaned over and tilted ht htened expression spread across her face
"What is it?" I asked frantical y
"Your pupils…are…are huge Like, so fucking huge You look like you have, like, shark eyes Are you on so?
The fear spread uptripped up by the covers, and ran over to asped and the room started to spin I reached out for the corner of lances at my face I couldn’t bear to look head on
Shark eyes were a good way of describing it My pupils were so unbelievably wide that only a thin ring of color encircled it And the weirdest, scariest, creepiest thing was that the color wasn’t blue, as it should have been But brown A golden brown
"They’re brown!" I cried out
"What?" Ada caave me another exa"
I looked back at theof color was the cornflower blue of one Maybe it was never there
"What did you take?" she asked s anymore, Perry"
I was shocked and actual y offended at her accusation I wanted to protest angrily but I could see how hurt she was just by thinking it
Looking at her honestly, with , Ada I haven’t done drugs for who kno long Haven’t even touched the stuff I’ Not even those painkil ers"
She was hesitant to believe me I couldn’t blame her I e
I was one stupid teenager
"But what if you’re sleepdrugging," she said quietly
I took one last look at my scary-assed face and brushed past her toridiculous Where would I even get drugs froet the nail polish froreens," I said, glaring at her, "right next to the crack cocaine aisle"
I put a Baroness tee on and a hoodie and hopped back in bed Ada was stil watchingout?" I asked her, not wanting her co to be OK?" she asked
"I’s," I insisted, my tone laced with annoyance