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Fiddlehead Cherie Priest 29450K 2023-08-31

Jemison Simms, an old-timer from Pennsylvania, was almost as difficult to impress as the president And, apparently, he was better briefed "That’s a peculiar proposition,as you’re a Southerner yourself You’ve tamed your accent well, but your reputation precedes you"

Her reputation hadn’t gotten anywhere near Grant yet, a fact which he was prepared to place squarely in the deliberate, conniving hands of Desuess "Yes, Miss Haymes--do explain why a Confederate wo her nation defeated"

"Southern, yes Confederate, no They have nasty words for people like me south of the line, Mr President"

Oh, but he had no doubt And it took true physical effort on his part to keep fro so "Surely not," he mustered successfully, if without sincerity Maybe it wasn’t fair, the way he disliked her already--but if she wanted to make a better first impression on people, she could keep better coive you, I’d expect it ht be ‘cri most of his uncertain frown, but not all of it

Grant wasn’t sure what Sifall chifall liked to state and repeat the obvious annoyed hilean

"The Rossville incident," Wigfall said "The Rebs may not have held you accountable, but you ton will"

Desmond Fowler cleared his throat "On the contrary"

"She’s a war criminal," Jemison Sih considering how much she’s contributed to the war effort down South, we may as well call her a treasonous enemy She shouldn’t be allowed in the District at all, and you’ve brought her into a closed "

A dim recollection started to take shape in the back of Grant’sup to a nored A Southern wo them inappropriately Did she do it at a prison caht, as he turned the idea over, testing its faht about it, the more certain he was that yes, this was that same woman Haymes Not the sort of name that stuck out in a conversation Not his fault that he hadn’t recognized it ifall joined in with Simms "Perhaps we should contact the authorities, have her arrested on the spot"

Wryly, and not at all nervously, she replied, "I’her authority than that in mind, I’d like to hear about it"

This rebuttal caused all eyes to turn to Grant Now he really hated her But Desmond Fowler had cleared his throat and said … he’d said … oh, yes, now he remembered The president asked, "What did you mean by ‘on the contrary,’ Fowler? Why isn’t she accountable here? Do you know soe and ridiculous that he smiled in its wake Fowler smiled back, and for one narrow, unreproducible instant, they ht’ve shared aelse in the world

Theharder and differently cruel "Miss Hayreened off upon by Salned off upon? That’s not even English," Grant complained, but that wasn’t what reallyto the Supreme Court every time you want to take steps I don’t approve of?"

"You’ll approve of this one when you hear it But I didn’t have tiht, so I’ve taken a shortcut And before you say so, yes, I know you can fight the Chief Justice on this I have only his word to back it up The rest of the court is not yet involved, though it certainly could becoame if it has to"

"Don’t threatenanyone!" he protested "I’ why I’ve taken the path of least time investment and resistance And if you’ll only let the lady speak, I think you’ll agree that I’ve coht conclusion"

"If you’re so sure I’d come around, why didn’t you just ask me in the first place?" Grant demanded He walked over to the liquor cabinet despite only halfway noticing that he needed another drink, so accusto refills before he’d even detected the glass was elance down at Katharine, who sat calmly and still "Because Miss Hayuarantee her safety during her visit I did not have time to risk the possibility of your disapproval Now, I’ you, Mr President, if you’ll kindly hear her out She le" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>